Let’s welcome in the new year with some new books! I’ve got some really fun ones for you. Don’t forget to check our catalog for digital versions if you’d prefer not to venture out in the cold!
Picture Books
“Very Good Hats” written by Emma Straub and illustrated by Blanca Gómez
Just about anything can be a hat! Bowls, pants, books — the possibilities are endless! And hats aren’t only defined as something that goes on your head. Acorns make great hats for fingers, and obviously, roofs are hats for houses. Some hats are temporary, like bubbles in the bath or leaves falling from trees. Some hats might surprise you, like a warm cat on your head in the winter. My toddler adores hats, so I’m looking forward to sharing this with him later. Sometimes when he brings me a shoe, I place it on my head and ask if it’s a hat. Giggles ensue as he snatches it off my head and places it on my foot. Yet after reading this book, the answer might just be, “Why not?”
“This Little Kitty” written and illustrated by Karen Obuhanych
I love kitties, but I am sometimes glad that I only have a dog. Especially when I see all the mischief kitties get up to! There are five little kitties in this book, and their day is full of delightful destruction. Kitties claw up curtains, nap in hanging potted plants and spill kibble all over the floor. But obviously, they’re impossibly cute the entire time! We see the occasional hand or leg of their humans, who seem thankfully unconcerned by all the kitten antics. This is sure to please littles who love cats!
Chapter Books
“Harmony and Heartbreak” by Claire Kann
I feel like I tend to highlight more serious chapter books, so this time I’ve got frothy escapism for you! Honestly, I’ve been really enjoying reading some lighter, feel-good books lately, and this one definitely fits the bill. Cousins Rose and Cora live in their family’s hotel in San Francisco, and are busy perfecting their magical skills to become Matchmakers. Each of them has magic that’s used to help compatible people make connections and fall in love. Now they’re being offered a chance to face the tests that will advance them to the next level of Matchmaking, but they have to do it alone. The tests are designed specifically for their weaknesses, and if they fail both tests, they could lose their magic. A bit of drama, a magic system I hadn’t seen before, and a belief in the power of love. There’s a lot to enjoy in this series starter!
“Dragonboy” by Megan Reyes
In case you’re not in the mood for a rom-com, let’s finish out with an epic fantasy! Haven has been at war for generations, with each side taught to hate and fear the others. Wren’s people use magic and live alongside the dragons, while Shenli’s people abhor magic. Blue was transformed into a dragon after sacrificing for his loved ones, and River leaves a prestigious position as Lead Harvester to travel with him. These four preteens are brought together by Fate so they can end the war and heal their country. But they have thick layers of lies and misconceptions to work through so they can begin to work together and trust one another. Written from each of their perspectives, this debut book expertly balances fascinating worldbuilding, action and humor. Be warned, this is a series starter as well, and it will certainly leave you eager for the next book.