1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten logoThis program encourages children to read or listen to 1,000 books before they start kindergarten. It’s easy to sign up and fun to do! Children ages birth to five can participate. Disponible en Español.

Sign up today!

Benefits of the Program

Reading together is a fun way for you and your children to bond while developing school readiness skills — such as talking, writing, reading, playing and singing — and a lifelong love of reading.

Our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program gets children excited about reading by providing incentives for them to read all 1,000 books. When you first sign up, your child will receive a colorful backpack perfect for holding books. Along their reading journey, your child will get additional items to go in their backpack, like a stuffed animal reading buddy, free books and more!

How to Participate

After signing up online, stop by your library or bookmobile to pick up your backpack and your first reading log. You will fill out a new reading log at each 100 book interval. Reading logs are available at the library or bookmobile, or you can download or print your reading logs below.

girl holding the Daniel Boone Regional Library's 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten backpack

Next step: read! You can read 1,000 different books or you can reread the same books over and over. You can also watch animated picture books with Tumblebooks or listen to audiobooks and read eBooks with Hoopla or OverDrive/Libby.

Take as much time as you need to complete your 1,000 books. For some avid readers, this program could be completed in months. However, for most little ones, it will take 2-3 years — and that’s okay! Choose a reading pace that works best for your child.

What Happens When My Child Completes 1,000 Books?

When your child finishes reading all 1,000 books, they will get a framed certificate to celebrate all of the wonderful reading time your family has experienced together. You’ll also receive a kindergarten starter kit that will provide your child with items to help them get ready for school.

We’re finished!

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is supported by the Daniel Boone Regional Library Foundation and the Assistance League of Mid-Missouri. The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program name is used with permission from the 1000 Books Foundation.