Youth Services Team Update!

It’s been nearly a month since library staff have been in their library, and the main thing we all agree on is that WE MISS YOU! To pass the time away from our favorite library patrons, we’ve been doing a lot of cool stuff behind the scenes like online training, Summer Reading preparations and getting lots of good resources out to you with our newsletters and our social media platforms.

Want to know what else the youth services team has been up to? Read below!


“We have been spending as much time as possible on the porch. Reading, singing and making art. The backyard is also getting a lot of love as we start the garden and chill in the hammock. And puzzles—we’re putting the dog kennel tray to work.”


“I’ve found so much joy and peace creating a garden in my backyard this spring! I’ve dug a hole for toads, planted a dozen native plants from the Missouri Wildflower Nursery and have prepared three trays of milkweed to help the monarch butterflies!“


“I’ve turned our guest bedroom into a studio for working on Summer Reading decorations. I am not very focused as I am also knitting a baby sweater for a dear friend, working in the garden and putting together grocery lists for pick up.”


(We’re bringing in this special library employee for the summer, since the Summer Reading theme, Imagine Your Story, is their specialty!)

“My life has been pretty boring. Did a bit of online shopping and have been walking my dog a little more often in my new outfit. Nothing anyone would find interesting.”

~DBRL Unicorn

“Being stuck at home isn’t so bad. We’re catching up on movies and making sure that we get our veggies in! Popcorn is a vegetable, right?”


“I’ve been keeping up with blog and newsletter content for our DBRL Kids & Parents page while staying in touch with friends (recognize any of us?)! I’ve also been spending ALL THE TIME with my nearly one-year-old, which has been challenging, messy and super fun.”


“For the first time in my life, I am caught up on laundry! Unfortunately, I am having a hard time catching up on anything else. Sleep and graphic novels are my two go-tos for passing the time.”


“My cat has been helping me rake leaves! And since I love a challenge and miss driving the library bookmobiles, I learned how to back up a trailer in an empty parking lot. I also cut my own hair (eek!) and have been playing my mandolin a LOT.”


“I love to cook, especially from scratch! Now I’ve got the time.”


“I am studying chess! Finally starting to learn Italian, using Transparent Language through the DBRL site. Lastly, trying to make a dent in that towering TBR (to be read) pile.”


“I’ve been doing a lot of online shopping…for the library! Keeping up to date with our digital content on OverDrive has been fun. My sweet pug Ruby is constantly battling the laptop for the best spot on my lap. Other than that, lots of reading, baking (I’m on a quest to find the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe!) and working on house renovations. Missing my library community, staff and patrons. Love you all!”


“Staying busy at home! Working on music almost every day and hope to have a Bandcamp page up by the end of the quarantine with some new songs. Been going on hikes at the state parks once a week. And also working three days a week at Clover’s. We are getting a lot of orders for our curbside pickup service and helping to keep Columbia fed.”


“I learned how to make macarons! I’ve also been sewing and painting a lot. And I’ve probably ran my dishwasher more in the last two weeks than I have in the previous nine months.”


We hope all of you are doing alright out there! If you have any updates about you and your families that you’d like to share, please let us know in the comments below. Or you can email and we will share your stories with the youth services team.

Stay strong and well, everyone!