Celebrate World Poetry Day

Posted on Thursday, March 2, 2023 by Adam

World Poetry Day, which takes place every year on March 21, was founded in 1999 by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) to celebrate, in their words, “one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity.” It was intended as a day to honor poets and to bring greater public awareness to all the different types of poetry. To celebrate this upcoming day, I wanted to highlight the various types of poetry books that we have available to grade school readers, especially those who may just be getting interested in or exposed to poems as a creative expression. Continue reading “Celebrate World Poetry Day”

It’s Always a Good Time to Celebrate Black History

Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2023 by Beth

Books are often the first exposure children have to the broader world outside of their homes. I have spent much of the past few weeks thinking about these early reading experiences, especially as it relates to Black History Month, and I focused on two questions:

  • How important are these early book choices, whether we are making them with our children or for our children?
  • When should parents and caregivers start intentionally choosing books for children that directly address topics like race and racism? Especially white parents and caregivers, like me?
Author Amina Luqman Dawson’s first novel Free Water, a middle-grade book about a secret community of formerly enslaved people living in the wilderness, received both the 2023 John Newbery Medal and the Coretta Scott King Book Award from the American Library Association. She is the first African American author to win both awards.

I turned, as I often do in these crucial parenting moments, to the experts for some support. Luckily, I only had to turn as far as the list of people and places I follow on Instagram. One of my favorite follows — and one of the country’s leading voices on the importance of Black history for early education — started her career right here in Columbia. Dawnavyn James is a Stephens College graduate and former kindergarten teacher at Parkade Elementary, where she gained national recognition for her TikTok videos and Black History Club toolkit. Continue reading “It’s Always a Good Time to Celebrate Black History”

Books We Love: I Am Not a Label

Posted on Monday, February 20, 2023 by Megan

“I Am Not a Label: 34 Disabled Artists, Thinkers, Athletes and Activists from Past and Present” by Cerrie Burnell and illustrated by Lauren BaldoI love books! Which is great since I work in a library, but I specifically really love nonfiction books. Fiction books are a great way to escape or get lost in a story, but I have to say nonfiction books are some of my favorites. I love learning new things about the world around me and I love learning about real people just living their lives. When I picked up “I Am Not a Label” it was love at first sight. “I Am Not a Label: 34 Disabled Artists, Thinkers, Athletes and Activists from Past and Present” by Cerrie Burnell and illustrated by Lauren Baldo is a beautifully illustrated book about people from all over the world with disabilities. Continue reading “Books We Love: I Am Not a Label”

Melted Snowperson Art

Posted on Thursday, February 16, 2023 by Katie

I love winter, especially snow. This is probably one of the reasons I love sharing winter-themed activities. I’ve also discovered a new appreciation for crafts that can be adapted in multiple ways.

These melted snowpeople can be created with or without paint, allowing children to practice fine motor skills while creating art. 

Continue reading “Melted Snowperson Art”

Easy Woven Wall Hanging

Posted on Monday, February 13, 2023 by Laura

Crochet, knitting, macramé, weaving… Fiber arts seem to be popping up everywhere these days! Weaving is a great place for beginners to start, as there are no complicated patterns or fancy stitches to trip you up. You don’t even need a ready-made loom to get started. With some recycled cardboard and a little math know-how, kids can DIY their own!

This creative project puts practical STEM skills to use, like using a ruler and doing some simple multiplication. For this reason, this weaving project is probably best enjoyed by kids ages 7 and up. Younger kids who may struggle to construct their own loom or put on the finishing touches may enjoy collaborating with a parent, caregiver or older sibling to design a woven wall hanging of their very own. Regardless of age or ability, everyone can come away from this craft with a basic understanding of the age-old art of weaving and a beautiful, homemade wall hanging! Continue reading “Easy Woven Wall Hanging”

Brianna’s Books: February Favorites 2023

Posted on Thursday, February 9, 2023 by Brianna

Brianna's Books Banner

I tend to read a lot of fantasy, so I think that’s often what my eye is drawn to when writing these blogs. This time, I’ve kept it all contemporary realism! Well, mostly. There is an anthropomorphized bird, but that’s kind of standard for a picture book. I hope you enjoy these new books, and that they help you to walk a mile (or two!) in someone else’s shoes.

Picture Books

Finding Papa” written by Angela Pham Krans and illustrated by Thi Bui

Mai lives with her mama and papa in a small village in Vietnam and loves playing with Papa. Her favorite game is “crocodile chomp” when Papa chomps his hands together like a hungry crocodile. One morning, Papa says an extra-long goodbye and doesn’t come back. He’s gone to find them a new home, and Mai consoles herself by playing crocodile chomp alone. Finally, Mama gets a letter and they pack a bag and leave to find Papa. Through rivers and boats and unfamiliar cities, Mama and Mai make their perilous journey together. Crocodile chomp paves the way for their eventual reunion with Papa. Love and hope shine from these pages, and the author’s notes at the back provide touching context from their personal immigration stories. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: February Favorites 2023”

Catching Up With the Classics: The Secret Garden

Posted on Monday, February 6, 2023 by Adam

The Secret Garden Book CoverPublished in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett’sThe Secret Garden” has been a perennial classic of children’s literature for over a century, inspiring multiple stage and film adaptations, including the popular and acclaimed Hollywood movie version from 1993. And though I remember seeing the 1987 television movie version as a kid, I had never read the book until now. Continue reading “Catching Up With the Classics: The Secret Garden”

Make Your Own Clay Conversation Hearts

Posted on Thursday, February 2, 2023 by Grae

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means you’ve probably already encountered plenty of heart-shaped items in stores across town, from pillows to candles to cookware and, of course, candy, candy, candy. Growing up as a future poet and all-around word nerd, I was always drawn to the snippets of love language stamped on Brach’s tiny conversation hearts, even though the actual taste and texture of these chalky candies left MUCH to be desired. (Sidebar: wintergreen and banana flavoring in the same package??? XOXO, no.) This year, instead of falling into the same old nostalgic trap of thinking “hmmm, maybe this time these hearts will be both adorable and delicious” (which they just never are), I decided to get my fill in a different way: by making my own long-lasting conversation hearts out of bakeable clay!


To make your own conversation hearts, you will need the following:

  • Oven-bake polymer clay, in Valentine’s and/or Brach’s colors like red, pink, yellow, orange or pastel purples and greens (or whatever colors you like!)
  • A cutting board or clean work surface
  • A paring knife or craft knife
  • Small metal alphabet stamps and/or toothpicks to draw your own letters in the clay

Photo of materials needed to make your own clay conversation heart: a silver sheet of construction paper (i.e., clean work surface), two toothpicks, a set of metal alphabet stamps, two blocks of oven-bake polymer clay (one in lilac, the other in red), and three black plastic clay sculpting tools including a plastic craft knife. Continue reading “Make Your Own Clay Conversation Hearts”

Counting In 2023

Posted on Monday, January 30, 2023 by Grae

We are now just shy of one month into the new year of 2023, a dazzling number that perhaps seems more at home in futuristic science-fiction stories than IRL. To help you (and myself if I’m being honest) wrap your mind around the sheer mundane magnitude of those four digits — and the two thousand and twenty-three years since the beginning of the Common Era that they represent — I’ve got a math-tastic list of stories and resources to practice and polish that most elementary and essential art of counting. 🔢

Room For Everyone

Cover page of the picture book Room For Everyone, featuring various Zanzibari people and their wares (including baskets of fruit, pails of milk, loose live chickens and dead fish) joyously riding a daladala, a shared minibus. Continue reading “Counting In 2023”

Ice Suncatcher

Posted on Thursday, January 26, 2023 by Robyn

Did you know the Iñupiat have more than 100 names for different kinds of sea ice? Although Mid-Missouri doesn’t get — and stay — as cold as places like Alaska, we still experience an array of winter precipitation. This time of year calls many of us to stay cozy inside, and I respect that. But, it can also be fun to bundle up, take a short walk and come back inside for something warm like hot chocolate or tea. I invite you to venture outdoors with any little ones around. Look in all directions as you walk, keeping an eye open for twigs, acorns, pine needles etc. that have fallen on the ground. When you come back inside, warm up with a yummy drink and gather ‘round to make an ice suncatcher you can later hang outside. 

Tip: This project can be used as a hands-on opportunity to talk about the water cycle

Continue reading “Ice Suncatcher”