Let’s Get Ready for Some Football Food!

Cool Game Day Parties CoverFootball season is well underway. (This season has been especially fun for me because the Kansas City Chiefs are on a winning streak!) One of my favorite things to do on game day is create scrumptious game day food. For all those other sports-loving chefs out there, this blog is dedicated to you.

For common party foods that are great for game days, give “Cool Game Day Parties” a read. The recipes range from simple ideas, such as the Classic Chili Dogs, to more creative concoctions like the Perfect Party Pizza Dip. This book even contains deserts to help celebrate the wins or console the loses. Many of the recipes have only 4 simple steps, perfect for our kiddos or busy parents.

Looking for more of a challenge? If so, try “Food, Football, and Fun!” It’ll give you some awesome recipes to help you fuel up for game day.

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