Books We Love: In a Jar

Oh the many things one can do with an empty jar! You can fill jars with sand from a trip to the ocean. You can fill jars with interesting things you’ve collected on a nature walk. But did you know you can also fill an empty jar with the colors of the sunset? That’s just what a sweet bunny named Llewellyn sets out to do in the book appropriately titled “In a Jar” by Debroah Marcero.

Llwellyn has many jars in all different shapes and sizes, perfect for the things he collects. From special shells to soft feathers to heart-shaped stones, his travels fill his shelf with wonderful objects. And then “One night, the sunset painted the sky the color of tart cherry syrup”….and he meets another bunny named Evelyn.

With beautiful illustrations dancing throughout this book, Llewellyn and Evelyn learn that they can also collect extraordinary things you might not think could fit in a jar. Thunder, laughter, love and rainbows fit in jars too! And the very best part of all, jars ship well when placed inside a box.

For fun ideas for what you can do with jars, check out the following books the library offers!

Mason Jar Crafts” by Lauren Elise Donaldson
Mason Jar Science” by Jonathan Adolph
Gifts in Jars” by Natalie Wise