Library Cards

If you live in Boone or Callaway Counties, you’re eligible for a free DBRL library card. You can get a card at any age, but applications for those under 18 require a parent or guardian’s signature.

How do I get a library card?
How do I renew my card?
What if I lose my card?
How do I access my account?
What if I forget my password?
How do I update my contact information?

Check-outs, Renewals & Holds

Interlibrary Loan

Copying, Scanning, Faxing & Printing

Downloading & Streaming Services

Bookmobiles & Other Vehicles

Community Resources

Outreach, Home & Community Facility Delivery

Meeting Rooms

Tech Help

Library Computers & Wi-Fi

Library Tours and Field Trips

Invite the Library to Your Event

Passport Services

Notary Services