Are you looking for your next great read? Do you think the books on book tok are overrated? Have you read EVERY book at your school? Have you asked your friends and family for recommendations, but they have questionable taste in books and now you have trust issues? Do you find it annoying when blogs start with a bunch of rhetorical questions as a gimmick to keep you reading? Well look no further – we have something just for you! Continue reading “Ask Book Oracle”

At the Daniel Boone Regional Library, preparation for March Madness begins in the early winter months when we announce our list of 16 of our most popular young adult books. Then the tournament heats up as those titles are seeded and face off in head-to-head competition. Each week in March, teens vote to narrow down the list of contenders until a single title emerges as the Mid-Missouri teen book champion!
Each round you vote, your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win cool prizes. March Madness is open to all teens ages 12-18 who live in either Boone or Callaway County, Missouri.
How it Works:
Round 1: Voting completed for the Elite Eight.
Round 2: Voting completed for the Final Four.
Round 3: Voting completed for the Top Two.
Round 4: VOTE NOW through March 28 for the book tournament champion.
March 31st: The champion is announced!
Each round that you vote, your name is entered into our prize drawing! Limit one ballot per person, per round.
And the Top Two are…
Continue reading “March Madness – Top Two Announced!”

I don’t know about you, but I love going to fan conventions! Any excuse to gather with like-minded folks who want to geek out over the same characters/movies/TV shows/actors/franchises is a good time to me!
Continue reading “Entrepenerds Meetup: Part 1”

At the Daniel Boone Regional Library, preparation for March Madness begins in the early winter months when we announce our list of 16 of our most popular young adult books. Now the tournament heats up as those titles are seeded and face off in head-to-head competition. Each week in March, teens vote to narrow down the list of contenders until a single title emerges as the Mid-Missouri teen book champion!
Each round you vote, your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win cool prizes. March Madness is open to all teens ages 12-18 who live in either Boone or Callaway County, Missouri.
How it Works:
Round 1: Voting completed for the Elite Eight.
Round 2: Voting completed for the Final Four.
Round 3: VOTE NOW through March 17 for the final two contending titles.
Round 4: Vote March 18-28 for the book tournament champion.
March 31st: The champion is announced!
Each round that you vote, your name is entered into our prize drawing! Limit one ballot per person, per round.
And the Final Four are…
Continue reading “March Madness – Final Four Announced”

At the Daniel Boone Regional Library, preparation for March Madness begins in the early winter months when we announce our list of 16 of our most popular young adult books. Now the tournament heats up as those titles are seeded and face off in head-to-head competition. Each week in March, teens vote to narrow down the list of contenders until a single title emerges as the Mid-Missouri teen book champion!
Each round you vote, your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win cool prizes. March Madness is open to all teens ages 12-18 who live in either Boone or Callaway County, Missouri.
How it Works:
Round 1: Voting completed for the Elite Eight.
Round 2: VOTE NOW through March 10 for the Final Four.
Round 3: Vote March 11-17 for the final two contending titles.
Round 4: Vote March 18-28 for the book tournament champion.
March 31st: The champion is announced!
Each round that you vote, your name is entered into our prize drawing! Limit one ballot per person, per round.
And the Elite Eight are…
Continue reading “March Madness – Elite Eight Announced!”

There are only a couple of days left to cast your vote for March Madness! Each week in March, teens vote to narrow down the list of contenders until a single title emerges as the Mid-Missouri teen book champion!
Each round you vote, your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win cool prizes. March Madness is open to all teens ages 12-18 who live in either Boone or Callaway County, Missouri.
Not sure which ones to vote for? Check out a few of the titles our readers liked (well for the most part RIP “The Summer I Turned Pretty”). Continue reading “Teen Reader Reviews: March Madness 2025”

I’m going to do it. After a four-year hiatus, I’m back! I’m going to participate in this year’s #The100DayProject and you can too! The #The100DayProject is a free annual art project that takes place every year. You can start at any time, but the official kickoff is Sunday, February 23, 2025. Folks from around the world share their art online with the hashtag The 100 Day Project. You can participate too and the library has resources to help. Continue reading “#The100DayProject”

Every genre has its tropes, or a commonly used theme or device. Fantasy has the “chosen one” or “lost royalty” and horror/thrillers have the “haunted house” and the “final girl” trope. Part of why tropes are used so routinely is that there is comfort in knowing how the story will probably play out, especially in romance. But then, we also enjoy it when a predictable formula gets a fun twist.
Angst – Whether they are star-crossed or hit by some other tragedy, happily ever after may not be possible.
Why We Love It: Sometimes, you just want to be in your feelings. See also: Sad People Music
Give It a Try: Songlight by Moira Buffini
Continue reading “Your Ticket to Love Trope”

Have you been curious about tarot but aren’t sure where to start? Starting anything new can be daunting, but don’t worry with a little practice you’ll be tapping into your intuition in no time!
Tarot has been around for centuries in various forms, early versions of tarot cards can be traced back to the late 14th century. However, the most commonly used Smith-Rider-Waite wasn’t published until 1908. Many artists still use the imagery and meanings of the Smith-Rider-Waite deck to this day. If you want to read more about the creation of this deck, you can read the biography of Pamela Colman Smith.
Continue reading “Beginners Guide to Tarot”

It’s finally here! It’s award season … for books! Early every year, the American Library Association (ALA) hosts its annual Youth Media Awards Press Conference. At this time, authors and illustrators of children’s and young adult literature are honored for the outstanding works they have published over the last year.
These books are selected by judging committees of librarians and other literature and media experts, the awards encourage original and creative work. Below are the awards honoring distinguished books for young adult readers. Be sure to check out the book lists for the complete list of winners and honorees! Continue reading “2025 Youth Media Award Winners”