A Note From the Director

Posted on Friday, March 21, 2025

head-and-shoulders photo of DBRL Executive Director Robin WestphalWhat a true joy and privilege it’s been to start my journey as executive director of the Daniel Boone Regional Library! I joined the DBRL team November 25, 2024 and have enjoyed getting to know our staff, our patrons and members of the DBRL Foundation and Friends of the Library.

Columbia has been my home since 2020, and DBRL has been an integral part of my personal life, because, like many of you, a trip to the public library has always been a part of my normal routine.

What to Do on a Dreary Day

Posted on Monday, March 3, 2025

DBRL website on a laptop screenThe weather outside is still dreary, but you’ve deleted all of your junk email and finally removed the dust bunnies from under the couch. Now you’re ready for some indoor relaxation and fun. You could get out the puzzle you’ve assembled time and time again, or discover engaging online services from your library!

Meet the New Executive Director

Posted on Monday, November 25, 2024

head-and-shoulders photo of DBRL Executive Director Robin WestphalThe library’s board of trustees and staff warmly welcome Robin Westphal as the new executive director of Daniel Boone Regional Library. She brings a wealth of experience to our organization and the communities we serve.

Meet the Board: Seth Christensen

Posted on Friday, November 15, 2024

head-and-shoulders portrait of library trustee Seth ChristensenMeet library trustee Seth Christensen, who moved to Columbia for law school and now serves as the managing attorney at American Outdoor Brands, Inc. The son of a librarian, Seth says, “Libraries are a rare public space where people can just exist without there being an expectation for them to spend money.”

Community Survey

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2024

image of person's hand filling out a paper form with a penThe information you provide will help us make decisions that affect a wide range of library services, including what types of materials and programs we provide, our bookmobile services and our electronic services. We appreciate your time!

How Pets Help Kids Learn

Posted on Friday, October 18, 2024

a child sits on the ground reading a book and petting a dog which looks up at herWe’ve all heard the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child,” but did you know that village works better if it includes Fido and Fluffy? Whether pets live in your house or at the neighbor’s, research shows that interaction with dogs, cats, hamsters,horses, birds and other animals may help children learn in a number of ways.

Library Staff Wins Awards

Posted on Friday, October 18, 2024

MLA award-winning staff and trustees of DBRLEvery year, the Missouri Library Association (MLA) recognizes library workers and trustees all across the state for what they’ve done on behalf of libraries and the communities they serve. We are so proud that four people associated with Daniel Boone Regional Library (DBRL) received awards this year. Congratulations to each of them for their contributions.

One-on-One Tech Help Appointments at All Branches

Posted on Sunday, September 29, 2024

Two people sit at a table in front of a laptop, one with hands on the keyboard, instructing, while the other watchesDo you need help deciphering your mobile device or laptop? Do you want to learn how to use more of your device’s features? Let our library staff help you with your Windows, Android, Chrome or Apple phone, tablet or laptop.
You can arrange an in-person or virtual one-on-one appointment by filling out our online Tech Help Request form or calling your library.