Spend Time Creating This Year

Start the new year off with some crafts! One of my favorite resources you can access with your library card is CreativeBug*. Really, I can’t recommend CreativeBug enough – they have everything! You can learn to sew, cook and more. If you want to start a new habit I highly recommend seeking out anything by Lisa Congdon. You can find her books at the library too! She has a great month-long series about making your mark. And on January 31 she’ll be doing a FREE online class about mark making! You can sign up here.

Crafting Conversations A free live event all about mark making with Lisa Congdon January 31st at 1pm PT/4pm ET Register Free

If art isn’t your thing we’ve have a list of some books covering a couple of potential hobbies that you could look into for the new year, from hiking the great outdoors to taking up sewing, from gaining some skills in the kitchen to exploring boxing for fitness. You can find the full list here. Don’t see something that interests you on that list? No problem! We have plenty of other resources to check out. Want to learn a language or brush up on some skills? Check out Mango Languages for a free platform to learn a new language. Is your family thinking about taking some trips in the coming year? Global Road Warrior has maps aimed specifically at travelers and students to help chart out your course. So start this year off with an exciting new direction!

*Your login is your library card number and the PIN is your birthday (MM/DD/YYYY)🥳

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