Pranks, Jokes and Cons to Celebrate April Fools’ Day!

Chattering Teeth

Chattering Joke Teeth, a Prank Tool for Your Grandparents

Ahh, April Fools’ Day. It’s a day where vast portions of the world, including many large corporations, play a communal joke on all of us. A day where anything you read on the internet is suspect, at least for a few days afterwards, until either the joke is revealed or the horrible truth is realized. Fear not, dear reader, because Daniel Boone Regional Library has no lies or tricks for you on this day. Well, at least no tricks of our own to play on all of you. Still, even we cannot dispute the allure of a good prank, a clever joke, and even occasionally a well-executed con as long as the people being conned are fictional. Pranks and cons are hard to pull off well, and there can be a lot of payoff in seeing a well-planned con or prank go off without a hitch. Sometimes it’s even more satisfying to see well-laid plans fall to pieces, and watch the fallout that ensues. So with that in mind we’ve gathered a number of books that feature the funny, the chaotic, and the foolish for you to enjoy on this April Fool’s Day. You can find the list by following the link here, and we hope that you have a safe, skeptical April Fools’ Day!


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