Young Adult books aren’t just for teens! In fact, many of our staff regularly read YA so we asked them what their favorites were this year. We asked them to describe their favorite books in three words and to rate them on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. Check out some of their picks below or you can check the full list here!
“Legendborn” by Deonn Tracy
4/5 Stars ★★★★
exciting, tragic, complex
“Twelfth Grade Night” by Molly Booth
4/5 Stars ★★★★
Light-hearted, accepting and cute
“Phoebe’s Diary” by Phoebe Wahl
5/5 Stars ★★★★★
Sweet, vulnerable, messy (in the best way – oops that’s more than 3!)
“The Grace Year” by Kim Liggett
4/5 Stars ★★★★
Dark, challenging, inspiring