2017 Missouri Building Block Nominee: Frog On a Log?

Posted on Monday, November 20, 2017 by Kristy

Frog on a Log book coverIn the Missouri Building Block nominee “Frog on a Log?” written by Kes Gray and illustrated by Jim Field, readers get to experience an oddball conversation between a frog and cat. The cat wants the frog to sit on a log, but the frog refuses, instead asking if he can sit on a mat. And this is where the conversation spirals into chaos! Only cats can sit on mats, only mules can sit on stools, only lions can sit on irons, and only parrots can sit on carrots! This book continues to get sillier and sillier as it continues, guaranteeing giggles and laughs from your readers, old and young alike.

After you’ve read the book, walk around your house with your child. Find different items, and come up with rhymes for what can sit on them. (For example, “Only pugs can sit on rugs!”) Make up the funniest rhymes you can imagine!

Once you have read at least five Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees, help your child vote for their favorite.

Holiday Books for All!

Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2017 by Molly

Girl reading a book to her teddy bear

Brrrr! Chilly temps and frozen precip are on the way! But for those of us who love to read, this is not a problem. Honestly, what could be better than a cozy chair and a good book? So, while making preparations for this time of year is a good idea – such as stocking up on woolly socks – equally important is stocking up on books!

This time of year is also the beginning of the long holiday season, so, holiday books are a real treat for young and old alike. Who doesn’t like to hear stories about family traditions, special foods and (of course!) gift-giving?

At DBRL we offer a wide assortment of wonderful holiday books to delight all ages! To start you off, here are a few suggestions that go particularly well with hot cocoa and a toasty fire. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving: November 23

2017 Missouri Building Block Nominee: Wolfie the Bunny

Posted on Monday, November 13, 2017 by Josh

Wolfie the Bunny book coverThe Bunny family comes home to find a bundled wolf baby on their front door. Oh, what joy! Mama and Papa are smitten with the baby, but their daughter, Dot, is not convinced. “He’s going to eat us all up!” she cries, but Mama and Papa are too busy taking pictures of cute little baby Wolfie to listen. Is Dot right? Is the Bunny family putting themselves in harm’s way by taking a newborn wolf into their home?

The Missouri Building Block nominee “Wolfie the Bunny,” written by Ame Dyckman and illustrated by Zachariah OHora, is a silly story with humor throughout. The pacing is excellent and is perfect for reading aloud, making it a real winner for storytime. It also features bunnies wearing cute outfits! What’s not to love?

Once you have read at least five Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees, help your child vote for their favorite.

2017 Missouri Building Block Nominee: Old MacDonald Had a Truck

Posted on Monday, November 6, 2017 by Erin

Old MacDonald Had a Truck book cover”Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had an… Excavator?” Wait. I have never heard of an excavator in the Old MacDonald song before! If you love silly versions of this classic song, then the Missouri Building Block nominee “Old MacDonald Had a Truck” by Steve Goetz is the perfect book for you! See what other heavy machinery drive into this story as you figure out what Old MacDonald is building.

After you’ve read the book, try out this fun and simple fingerplay.

Where Are Trucks? (To the tune of “Where is Thumbkin?”)

Where is pickup truck? Where is pickup truck? (Hide your hands behind your back.)
Here I am. Here I am. (Bring out one hand, then the other.)
How are you today, sir? Very well, I thank you. (Wiggle one hand, then the other.)
Drive away. Drive away. (Drive one hand away, then the other.)

Insert different machinery in the rhyme, such as tow trucks, dump trucks, moving trucks or firetrucks.

Once you have read at least five Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees, help your child vote for their favorite.

Wonder: Book & Movie

Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2017 by Megan

Should you read the book then watch the movie, or should you watch the movie then read the book? Some folks will tell you the book is always better than the movie. Those same people may even judge you if you read the book after seeing the movie. However, I am not one of those folks. Read then watch. Watch then read. As long as you are reading, you really can’t go wrong! You do you!

Wonder Movie CoverSpeaking of books turned into movies, the amazingly moving book “Wonder” by Raquel J. Palacio has been turned into a film, releasing on November 17. “Wonder” is the story of a boy named Auggie who has been homeschooled for most of his life due to a number of surgeries he had as a young boy. When he hits fourth grade, his parents decide to put him in public school, but his surgeries have left him with scars that draw unwanted attention from his new classmates.

This story is told from three different points of view, triumphantly sharing how you can overcome any obstacle with the help of friends and family. Reserve a copy of “Wonder” at your library now (or after you’ve seen the movie)!

You can find more books to movies in our catalog.

2017 Missouri Building Block Nominee: Dragon Was Terrible

Posted on Monday, October 30, 2017 by Kristy

Dragon Was Terrible book coverIf you think that dragons are noble, selfless creatures, you’re mistaken in Dragon’s case in the Missouri Building Block nominee “Dragon Was Terrible” by Kelly DiPucchio. Dragon starts out the book by proving his terribleness–he depants the castle guards, spits on cupcakes and even scribbles in books. The king hires knights to try to tame dragon’s bad attitude, but none succeed. Who will finally civilize the dreaded Dragon? Read the book to find out!

Once you’ve read the book, build a castle of your own! You can use blocks, LEGO bricks or you can build it with boxes from around the house. Once you’ve made the castle, you can reenact the book with either you or your little one playing as dragon.

Once you have read at least five Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees, help your child vote for their favorite.

Author Spotlight: Karen Katz

Posted on Thursday, October 26, 2017 by Mitch

"Counting Kisses" book coverReading to children can be one of the most special times a parent can have with their child. One of the very first books that my daughter started to read and request over and over again was “Counting Kisses,” by Karen Katz. From that point on, Katz was a staple on our bookshelves.

Katz is a talented author and illustrator of children’s books, and she mostly writes for babies and toddlers. However, her soft illustrations, warm words and simple stories are quick to bring a smile to readers of all ages. Here’s a short list of the books that were constantly in our bedtime rotation:

"Where is Baby's Yummy Tummy?" book coverWhere Is Baby’s Yummy Tummy?
This adorable book rhymes with consistent rhythm and is a great way to talk about individual body parts of your young one.
"Vroom, Vroom, Trucks!" book cover

Vroom, Vroom, Trucks!
Have a little digger at home? Help your child explore the construction site by learning about bulldozers, dump trucks and other big vehicles!

"Baby's Shapes" book cover

Baby’s Shapes
This book shows off shapes in our everyday world. Again, it’s simple, straight-forward fun for your youngsters.

Need even more Karen Katz books? We’ve got plenty to choose from. Click here to visit our catalog and see all the books available to check out today!

2017 Missouri Building Block Nominee: There’s a Bear on My Chair

Posted on Monday, October 23, 2017 by Amy

Have you ever had trouble sharing? Or know of a certain little one who is in the midst of learning this important life skill? Author and illustrator Ross Collins has created the perfect read-aloud story, “There’s A Bear on My Chair,” that humorously tackles the emotions of sharing through the lovable characters Mouse and Bear.There's a Bear On My Chair book cover

Grumpy Mouse would much rather not have Bear in his chair, and he lets readers know this as he rhymes his way through the sharing dilemma. Enjoy bright, bold and simple full-page illustrations as Mouse tries his best to entice Bear out of his chair. Even with a pear, stare and scare, Bear will not budge from the chair.

Follow the links below to print out your own mouse and bear finger puppets! Encourage your little ones to help act out and retell the story.

Once you have read at least five Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees, help your child vote for their favorite.

Discovering Gentle Reads

Posted on Thursday, October 19, 2017 by Molly

Although there are more books available now than ever before, not all books are appropriate for all audiences. For this reason, parents and guardians can struggle with helping children make good choices in regards to selecting age-appropriate reading materials.

This is especially true when it comes to young children. For instance, some subjects can be too intense for little ones who have trouble distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary. Keeping up with precocious readers can be equally challenging. Kids reading above their level can be exposed to situations, language and content that is beyond their maturity.

At DBRL, we offer a list called “Gentle Reads: Chapter Books for Kids” that recommends great chapter books for kids that contain little to no violence, sex or strong language. The selected books also tend to be positive and have happy endings. The list includes titles from beloved classics such as “Winnie the Pooh” and “The Giving Tree” to more recent favorites, such as “Crenshaw” and “Seagulls Don’t Eat Pickles.” Continue reading “Discovering Gentle Reads”

2017 Missouri Building Block Nominee: There’s a Giraffe in My Soup

Posted on Monday, October 16, 2017 by Kristy

Illustration from "There's a Giraffe in My Soup"Have you ever found something weird in your food? Like a piece of lint or a hair? In the Missouri Building Block nominee “There’s a Giraffe in My Soup,” a little boy gets something even weirder in his bowl of grub–animals! First, the boy is surprised to find a giraffe in his soup. Aghast, the waiter runs to get him a fresh bowl. The silliness ensues with new animals in his soup each time, from alligators to ostriches. This lively, quirky book is sure to send your kiddos into fits of laughter.

A great rhyme that pairs well with this book is “The Yellow Giraffe.” Give it a try with your kids.

The yellow giraffe is as tall as can be (stand and reach up high)
His lunch is a bunch of leaves off a tree (pretend to grab leaves)
He has a very long neck (point to neck)
And his legs are long, too (point to legs)
And he can run faster than his friends in the zoo (run in place)

Once you have read at least five Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees, help your child vote for their favorite.

Photo by Ross Burach on rossburach.com