Winter Warm-Up: Knits

As a barrage of sneezes echos through the stacks, I have to accept that temperatures are falling. At home, I plow through my cold weather drawer only to find one lonely, taunting glove.

Yarn bombed bus

“You lost my twin!” it whines.

“You’re not so special,” I think.

This happens every year. I suppose it’s time to cast on a new pair. Rather than feel annoyed at myself, I see this as an opportunity to create, to flex my purling muscles, to track down some alpaca wool in my mom’s massive yarn stash. Truly, there are few things more satisfying than donning your own handiwork, though the knitting process itself can also reap many rewards. These can range from mindfulness practice and stress management to loosening arthritic joints and other boosts to your mental and physical health. Knitting circles, which are ubiquitous among the many nooks and crannies of the library, not only encourage members along in their projects but also foster camaraderie, creativity and accountability.

So whether this all sounds familiar or I’ve succeeded in persuading you to pick up this habit-forming hobby, DBRL has materials of all sorts. Check out these titles for patterns, techniques and tutorials as well as fantastic storytelling, wellness advice and wide-reaching wisdom.

two women in traditional dress knitting

For the Beginner:

For the Veteran:

General Intrigue:

Is handiwork not in your wheelhouse? The library offers scores of knitting-based titles ranging from street art to serial mysteries to reflections on life.

Here’s an excerpt from Stephanie Danler’s “The Unravelers,” featured in “Knitting Pearls” and the blog of the Paris Review:

There are two kinds of women: those who knit and those who unravel. I am a great unraveler. I can undo years of careful stitching in fifteen gluttonous minutes. It isn’t even a decision, really. Once I see the loose thread, I am undone. It’s over before I have even asked myself the question: Do I actually want to destroy this?

See the full list of titles here.


Knitted sock in progress

Have a project in mind but your friends and family have already received one-too-many custom-fit hats? Keep your neighbors warm by donating your unclaimed projects to local organizations. This list of locations can help you get started.

Boone County

Callaway County


Image credits: Carla Gates, Yarn Bombing via Flickr (license); Star Athena, Tron Socks via Flickr (license)

2 thoughts on “Winter Warm-Up: Knits”

  1. I would love to get my hands on a list of knitting groups. I work, have kids, and not much time. I am looking for a positive laid back style group that wants to hang. Any other knitting mamas out there that want to do library/park/knitting days?

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