Reader Review: The Salt Path

The Salt Path book coverThe Salt Path” is a memoir about a homeless couple who walk the South West Coast Path in England. The author tells and describes the journey so that it is easily imagined and felt. It has so many layers to it sadness, happiness, life, death all in the theme of taking a walk. There was no way I was able to figure out how it might end which made me keep reading it to find out. The whole metaphor of being “salted” was interesting as it developed throughout the book. The book had its gut-wrenching moments with the couple and the author did a great job of giving history about the places they were seeing along with some environmental issues that were happening at that time. I think at its baseline it’s about humanity and how we treat one another in our own family as well as each other globally, especially those who are less fortunate or who are perceived as such. I would read this book again and again.

Three words that describe this book: Magical, Mythical, Heartbreaking

You might want to pick this book up if: It was an award winner and I tend to pick up books if the cover catches my eye which this one did.


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