Reader Review: The Four Seasons of Marriage

Four Seasons of Marriage book coverThe Four Seasons of Marriage” explores the idea that a marriage is always going through a season; Summer being the warmest and happiest and winter being the coldest and saddest. Gary gives real-life examples of couples he has worked with and tips for how to improve your marriage, or at least try to get it back into either Spring or Summer. I really liked it. I have loved all of his books that I have read so far. He encourages us to be honest, caring, thoughtful, and lets us know it is okay to screw up as long as you are taking the steps to repair the damage that has been done in the past.

Three words that describe this book: Love, Communication, Relationships

You might want to pick this book up if: You want to learn ways to brighten your partner’s day, week, month or season.


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