Reader Review: The Confident Parent

The Confident Parent by Jane Scott book coverI loved “The Confident Parent” because it gives a global perspective on parenting, which I think is so important these days. As a parent in the US, it is easy to get anxious and stressed out while making sure your child gets the best start, succeeds in school, and is a contributing member of society. However, our children need us to lead by example and can sense our anxiety while we are trying to get everything “perfect.” This book includes a lot of great strategies and ideals that are a confluence of many cultures due to the author’s experience living and parenting in many parts of the world. My main takeaways from this book are to chill out, lead by example, and enjoy the journey.

Three words that describe this book: global, practical, timely

You might want to pick this book up if: You are a parent, grandparent, or caregiver.


This reader review was submitted as part of Adult Summer Reading. We will continue to share reviews throughout the year. 

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