“Set on You” follows a young woman who is attempting to live her life joyfully and positively and project that to others watching her. She is “curvy” and fit and wants others to realize that a person does not have to be model thin to be happy or healthy. She meets a very attractive young man who understands that as well. The books is very funny and a really quick read but it does focus on a few lessons that are very serious — accept yourself just as you are while making yourself the most healthy possible, and cruel, degrading words can hurt even the most seemingly confident person. I liked the humor and the life lessons. It was a much “steamier” read than I normally choose so I would recommend it for young adult and older.
Three words that describe this book: timely, open, honest
You might want to pick this book up if: you need a reminder that you are the best you there is and no one can tell you how you should change to be a “better, prettier” you.
This reader review was submitted as part of Adult Summer Reading. Submit your own book review here for a chance to have it featured on the Adults Blog.