Reader Review: Is This Guy For Real

Is This Guy for Real by Box Brown book coverWhen I saw that Box Brown was releasing a book focused on Andy Kaufman, the character that absolutely baffled me when I watched “Saturday Night Live” with my parents growing up, I could not have been more excited. “Is This Guy For Real” did not disappoint. This biography of an avant-garde, easily unlikable, enigma of a performer pulls no punches. Brown doesn’t pretend his subject is perfect, but he also doesn’t let Kaufman fall into the easy label of “stupid weirdo” (I’m looking at you, “Man on the Moon” movie). This book presents Kaufman as what he was: a performer who would stop at nothing to grab the attention of his audience.

It was not lost on me that this novel allowed Brown to return to the world of wrestling in the early days, a venue he was already intimately familiar with from his previous biography on “Andre the Giant,” where the lines between persona and life blurred all too easily. I think it was this knowledge and awareness of kayfabe that allowed Brown to truly reach for the reality of Kaufman’s life rather than falling for the trappings of who he was on TV.

Three words that describe this book: Unique, Honest, Beautiful

You might want to pick this book up if: You’ve ever had questions about the strange man you saw on “SNL.”


This reader review was submitted as part of Adult Summer Reading. We will continue to share reviews throughout the year. 

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