Reader Review: Giraffes on Horseback Salad

Giraffes on Horseback Salad book coverGiraffes on Horseback Salad” is a graphic novel depicting a movie written by Salvador Dali, meant to star the Marx Brothers, which was pitched to MGM in 1937, but was never made. The author of the graphic novel, Josh Frank, calls himself a forgotten pop culture archaeologist and used source documents from the Dali and Marx estates to re-create Dali’s vision in graphic novel format, but as if it were the movie. Manuela Pertega’s artwork is fantastical⁠ — you may forget that Dali himself did not illustrate this book. While the artwork steals the show, it does feature the Marx Brothers, so there is humor, song, romance and drama. It pits “normal” society versus dreamers, asking at one point, “Reality is the nightmare of the dreamer, isn’t it just?”

Three words that describe this book: Surreal, Funny, Unique

You might want to pick this book up if: you like surreal art⁠ — even if the humor or the story doesn’t appeal, the artwork is worth checking the book out!


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