Reader Review: Adventuring Together

Adventuring together book coverAs one might have guessed, “Adventuring Together” is a book about adventuring with your children/family. Ms. Eskridge makes a point that adventures push us out of our boundaries, help us grow and teach us many lessons along the way. You might think adventures have to be these grandiose events that take months of planning, lots of money and leave us exhausted afterwards. I love how the author shows that small adventures can be just as important if not even more rewarding than a large event … and that even a shared book can be an adventure. The important thing is that adventures build traditions and traditions build memories. Besides convincing you of the importance of adventures, Ms. Eskridge gives tips, tools and lists of ideas to get you started. There are even some how-tos in the back of the book to help you jump right in. If you read this book, I’m quite sure you’ll be ready to throw on your backpack and head out the door!

Three words that describe this book: Inspiring, humorous, helpful

You might want to pick this book up if: You feel like your life has become stale and you want to put a little excitement back into it with the people you love most.



This reader review was submitted as part of Adult Summer Reading. Submit your own book review here for a chance to have it featured on the Adults Blog. 

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