Party With the Stars

Val Germann, Party With the Stars founder, with a telescope during an eclipse viewing event on May 25th 1994. See the full set of photos on our Community Archives page.

One of the library’s longest-running programs will celebrate its 40th anniversary this autumn: Party with the Stars. Through the decades, with a two-year pause due to Covid in 2020 and 2021, Val Germann and the Central Missouri Astronomical Association (CMAA) have been the driving force behind this collaboration. Party with the Stars has seen a seasonal program (March through October) through nearly every phase of the modern library’s growth.

Here are some excellent resources that you might want to consider checking out:

  1. Check out a telescope from the library! DBRL checks out telescope kits. These are the excellent Orion StarBlast 4.5 inch telescopes. They are tabletop telescopes that can sit on a picnic table or other flat surfaces and don’t take a lot of experimentation in order to get them focused. The kits can be checked out for one week to those 18 years or older. CMAA are currently working on filming a video to demonstrate the use of these telescopes.
  2. Check out an astronomy magazine! The library subscribes to Sky and Telescope and Astronomy magazines as print subscriptions and holds two years of back issues that can be checked out. We also have numerous online magazines through our Libby Magazine service, including Australian Sky and Telescope (if you want to learn more about the southern hemisphere sky), Astronomy for Kids, and Astronomy for Beginners.
  3. Books! We have enough books about astronomy to fill a small galaxy. One of our newest titles includes the groundbreaking title by Neil Degrasse Tyson:  “Welcome to The Universe in 3D,” which exhibits many of the best photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and can be viewed through stereoscopic glasses included in the book.
  4. DVDs and movies!  “The Universe Revealed,” a recent Nova documentary on DVD here at the library, explores some of the newest astronomical discoveries, including black holes and dark matter in the universe. Also, enter “Astronomy” as a keyword term into our digital movie streaming service Kanopy and a smorgasbord of titles come up, from ancient astronomy documentaries to the Imax Hubble movie.

Please register to attend Party with the Stars on Friday, September 9 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

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