Bike, Walk, and Wheel Week

If I traveled only by car, I would miss a lot of discoveries.

This enormous mushroom, for instance.

Large flat mushroom next to shoe
Green-spored parasol

Or these tiny blue Siberian squills.

Blue Siberian squills
Siberian squills

I’m an avid walker who also likes to hop on a bicycle fairly often. Both methods of transport allow me to see much more of the world than I do when I’m driving. It keeps me mindful that this planet is a place full of wonders. I’m privileged to live in a city with a lot of great trails, including ones that will allow me to pedal right on out into the country.

Field of grass

This year, Columbia will celebrate its 20th annual Bike, Walk & Wheel Week May 8 through May 14, sponsored by Local Motion. Events include a family-friendly Mother’s Day ride, a wheelchair and bike wash, and an e-bike raffle. See the full schedule here. The focus is on being active and having fun, so there’s something for everyone.

Of course, our library can provide a bevy of resources for woman riding a book bike down a public streetinformation and inspiration. We even have a book bike we use to bring library materials to community events.

52 Ways to Walk” by Annabel Streets lays out a week-by-week one-year plan for mindful walking to enhance physical and mental health, with a distinct intention and focus for each outing.

For those who dream of branching out in their bike or pedestrian travels, “Rail-Trail Hall of Fame” is a handy guidebook to “multiuse public paths built along former railroad corridors.” The trails are located throughout the U.S. and vary in length from 1.5 miles to the longest, Missouri’s own Katy Trail, measuring 239.6 miles. Maps are provided, as well as information about amenities, trail roughness and surface, allowed activities and history. 

Bicycles are great. They’re lots of fun and an often practical choice for transportation. But they do need maintenance. Chris Sidwells’ “Bicycle Repair Manual” can help, providing instructions and photos to assist both novice and experienced riders keep their bikes in good running order.

Bicycling Magazine,” available in both print and digital formats, reviews cycling equipment, provides fitness tips, discusses best travel destinations, and much more.

For more resources, see our catalog list.









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