Megan Doodles: Back to School

Drawings of Kawaii pencil, notebook, calculator, and apple

It’s that time of year again. Back-to-school! Time to switch gears and wake up your brain to get ready to learn. It can be challenging to go from a summer of freedom to a school routine. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some back-to-school kawaii doodles.

Bonus: Did you know that doodling can help your brain stay active? Bet you thought all my drawings were just for the cuteness and fun, but studies have shown that doodling is a great way to keep your brain from turning off while you are listening! You can read more about it on the Harvard Health Blog. Happy doodling, and whatever you draw, don’t forget to add cute eyes and a smile!

Lookin’ Sharp Pencil

Draw a Kawaii pencil in 4 steps

Neat Notebook

Draw a Kawaii notebook in 4 steps

Cool Calculator

Draw a Kawaii calculator in 4 steps

Apple of My Eye

Draw a Kawaii apple in 4 steps

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