National Princess Day

Positive black girl in creative crown touching face and smiling at cameraFinding a reason to celebrate each day can be a simple as a quick internet search. Today, November 18, we celebrate Apple Cider Day, National Rural Health Day, and, most importantly, National Princess Day!

National Princess Day was created after the 1994 animated film “The Swan Princess” was released. The production studio wanted people of all ages to have a day to celebrate royalty, embodying the kindness and grace associated with princesses of the ’90s.

More recent princesses are made of different stuff. While poise is still a valued trait, the princesses we see on screen today are more dynamic characters, taking active roles in their communities, going on adventures and saving themselves and others. Today’s princesses are princesses based on who they are and not necessarily on their status in society or royal relations.

Looking for a way to celebrate? Wear something that makes you feel special and proud to be you. Wave to your fans as you travel, and have a great day! Also, check out this list of titles about princesses and princes from your local library.