Saving the World, One Kitten at a Time

Do you love small, fluffy animals? 

Do you have an extra room in your heart (and house) for some teeny tiny creatures? 

How could you not love a face as cute as this!

If the answer is yes, then it’s time to celebrate, because kitten season is here! Kitten season is when all of the “feral,” or wild, cats have lots and lots of kittens. Kittens born in the wild only have a 50% chance of surviving to their first year, and then only half of those will make it to two years old. This is one of many reasons why I foster kittens for a local animal organization! 

This was our first foster, Alexander Hamilton. He would not have survived in the wild without his mom.

When you agree to foster kittens (or puppies, or gerbils, or parrots, or pigs), the animal care groups give you all the supplies you need for free, and the vet visits for shots and surgeries are totally covered. 

Poor Sam Cooke had to have shots and stitches for a wound he received before his mom left him. All his (many) vet visits were totally free!

All you have to do is give the tiny creatures a clean, safe place to live, play with them and love them. 

Don’t be surprised if you find them hiding in unexpected places. This foster kitten, Echo, liked to hide in the trash can!

If you want to know more about animal foster information and local opportunities, check out:

Not all times are good times to foster fur babies (like if your family just had a human baby, if you are moving, if you’ve got a lot of trips planned, etc). So, if you love the thought of fostering, but you’re just waiting for the right time, then check out these sweet books on animal care and animal rescue! 

Finally, foster kitten tax! Our latest kittens are below. Enjoy the adorableness!

Arya Stark
Bella Swan

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