Celebrate National Dog Day!

Wag your tails and put your paws in the air—August 26th is National Dog Day! This special day of celebration was created to honor dogs for all that they do for us. Beyond the sweet snuggles and slobbery kisses, dogs help humans out in countless ways. From watch dogs who guard and keep us safe to service dogs who lead and assist people with special needs, there’s no end to the love and companionship dogs provide us. Sometimes dogs even need our help too. Rescuing a dog from a troubled situation and providing a loving home is a great way to spread love and joy.

To help with the celebration, check out some of the great reads the library has to offer.

"Operation Rescue Dog"Operation Rescue Dog” by Maria Gianferrari

"Search and Rescue Dogs on the Job"Seven-year-old Alma, lonely and desperately missing her mother, decides to get a dog as a surprise for Mami’s return. Not only does she find a puppy that needs rescuing, but she also discovers that the pup rescues her in return.

Search and Rescue Dogs on the Job” by Mirella S. Miller

This book describes the awesome work search and rescue dogs do. It goes into what makes a good search and rescue dog and all the different places they work.

 "Lucky Dog: Twelve Tales of Rescued Dogs"Lucky Dog: Twelve Tales of Rescued Dogs” by Kirby Larson

This chapter book is a collection of stories about the Pawley Rescue Center, where rescued dogs find their way into hearts and homes.

Craig & Fred: A marine, A Stray Dog, and How They Rescued Each Other” by Craig Grossi

"Craig & Fred: A marine, A Stray Dog, and How They Rescued Each Other" by Craig Grossi”Craig and Fred” tells the uplifting true story of a U.S. Marine, the stray dog he met on an Afghan battlefield, and how they saved each other and now travel America spreading a positive message.

"When You Wander: A Search-and-rescue Dog Story" by Margarita EngleWhen You Wander: A Search-and-Rescue Dog Story” by Margarita Engle

A dog that has just graduated from “sniffing school” advises readers what to do if they become lost in the woods; he assures them that his smart nose will lead him to where they are. “When You Wonder” also includes lots of cool facts about dogs’ noses!