National Be Kind to Food Servers Month

Lunch Lady book coverJanuary is National Be Kind to Food Servers Month! To celebrate, you can read my new favorite series – Lunch Lady by Jarrett Krosoczka. The heroine is a mild-mannered cookie-serving lunch lady by day and a super secret agent by night. Cleverly disguised to blend into their cafeteria surroundings, Lunch Lady and her sidekick Betty use gadgets like the lunch tray laptop, taco-vision night goggles (you can see at night and everything looks like a taco) and hairnet-nets to keep the school safe from bullies and sinister cyborgs. Lunch Lady serves up laughs and justice while she fights off mutant mathletes, crazed authors and – worst of all – a league of evil librarians! She’s someone you want around if it’s lunchtime or crunch time!

Not all lunch ladies are super spies (maybe?) but they are all super heroes! Our cafeteria workers work hard to provide tasty, nutritious meals during the school year, so make sure you are kind to your food server. You just never know when they may have to save you from a horde of vicious bunnies!

Here are some ways you can be kind to your food servers:

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