Mysterious Mosquitoes

Posted on Thursday, August 20, 2020 by Molly

MosquitoAugust 20 is World Mosquito Day. Why in the world would we celebrate mosquitoes? I wondered the same thing, until I did some research and discovered that the celebration is less about the bug and more about a British medical doctor who made an important discovery. This discovery not only changed the way people thought about mosquitoes but also lead to significant advancements in disease prevention.

Ronald Ross was born in India in 1857. Considered a true polymath, even as a young boy, Ross developed a variety of interests. He wrote poems and plays, published novels, composed songs and was a natural at mathematics. However, at 17, encouraged by his father, Ross focused on a career in medicine. After studying at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College in London, he passed his examinations for the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1879. For the next 25 years, Ross worked in the Indian Medical Service, where he became interested in malaria. In 1897, Ross discovered that the disease was transmitted between humans by a particular type of female mosquito. Incidentally, there are over 3000 different species of mosquitoes in the world. So, uncovering this information was challenging. Continue reading “Mysterious Mosquitoes”

Virtual Activity Bundle: Star Wars

Posted on Monday, August 17, 2020 by Megan

Star Wars Virtual Activity BundleFrom a library not so far, far, away, I bring you the Star Wars Virtual Activity Bundle! Star Wars is a fandom that is as vast as the galaxy itself. I love just about everything Star Wars has to offer—from amazingly independent Princess Leia, fierce but cuddly Chewbacca, to the adorable Porgs. But don’t get me started on my obsession with “The Child” (aka Baby Yoda)! Below you will find Star Wars books, songs and crafts for kids 6-10, but really anyone can have fun with this list! Continue reading “Virtual Activity Bundle: Star Wars”

Brianna’s Books: August Favorites 2020

Posted on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 by Brianna

I’m back with another round of books I think you might enjoy! Let’s dive in.

Picture Books

The Best Worst Poet Ever” written and illustrated by Lauren Stohler

Any of my friends could tell you about my love for pugs. I love their silly sounds and smooshy faces, so I always get very excited when I see a book starring a pug! In this book, the pug shares the spotlight with a fluffy orange cat, as they face off in a heated poetry battle. The cat admires Shakespeare and hurls barbed sonnets at the pug, while the irreverent pug returns with verses like this: “Can I write a poem with my butt? / I don’t know! / Oh can I write a poem with my butt? / Here I go!” The best part about this book is that it’s just begging to be read aloud by two people. This would make a hilarious story time with two grown-ups reading to a child, or engage your confident young reader to take one of the parts! Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: August Favorites 2020”

Sew a Dragon!

Posted on Monday, August 3, 2020 by Aimee

Even though Summer Reading is coming to an end, we are still celebrating! The theme this year is Imagine Your Story. Have you ever imagined making your own stuffed animal? Below is our “Sew a Dragon” pattern created by the library’s very own Elf! When you complete the project, you will have a fiery friend who can slide on your wrist and share your adventures. Continue reading “Sew a Dragon!”

Authors We Love: Joseph Midthun

Posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 by Jessica S

Does your young reader like graphic novels or comic books? How about science? What if we combine both?

I recently discovered something through an educator who visited the library. A teacher from one of the homeschooling groups in Columbia asked me for help finding a book by Joseph Midthun. When I grabbed it for her, she told me how her readers at home loved that Midthun’s books combine science into an accessible, easy to read graphic novel format.

We have over 30 titles in our collection from Joseph Midthun that are all illustrated by Samuel Hiti. I looked through a few of them and found that they were super helpful in learning about different science topics. I am someone who does not appreciate learning abstract things, so seeing a visual aid for each concept is super helpful to me.

Below are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!  Continue reading “Authors We Love: Joseph Midthun”

Craft a Pokémon

Posted on Monday, July 27, 2020 by Tess

Today, as you begin your incredible journey, you must make a hard choice. Perhaps the most important decision you will ever make. Which will you start with? Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur? 

Like all Pokémon trainers before you, you must weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each choice. Your first Pokémon will be the hardest as you learn just how to start and tie, poke and prod, care for and complete it. It will undoubtedly be messy, but it will always hold a special place in your heart. 

Choosing your first project is one of the most rewarding and exciting parts of the wonderful world of cross stitch!

Wait…cross stitch???

Pokemon Cross Stitch Continue reading “Craft a Pokémon”

Virtual Activity Bundle: Germ Busters!

Posted on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 by Jerilyn

Virtual Activity Bundle: Germ Busters“Why do I have to wash my hands again?”

“Why do I need to wear a mask?”

“What is a germ?”

Have you heard these questions recently? Washing your hands and wearing a mask are great ways to stop the spread of germs and prevent sickness. However, both of those things can sometimes be not-so-fun for kids.

This Virtual Activity Bundle offers engaging ways for kids to wash their hands and interesting facts about germs. There are also resources that discuss how masks can protect them and aren’t so scary after all.

Continue reading “Virtual Activity Bundle: Germ Busters!”

Megan Doodles: Kawaii Animals

Posted on Monday, July 20, 2020 by Megan

I love doodling cute things! I especially love to draw animals. So I’m going to combine these and show you how to draw several kawaii animals with one simple shape. All you need is a pen and some paper. Let’s get started.

In a few simple steps, I’m going to show you how to draw 5 animals: a mouse, a bunny, a cat, a dog and a pig! 

First, you are going to start with a rounded triangle. It looks like a chubby piece of candy corn to me.

Mouse_step_1 Continue reading “Megan Doodles: Kawaii Animals”

Summer Reading Traveling Companions

Posted on Friday, July 17, 2020 by Jessica S

traveling companions

What is a traveling companion?

Traveling companions are paper friends that can travel with us. To celebrate Summer Reading this year, we have two adorable traveling companions: the traveling unicorn and the traveling dragon. Similar to the Flat Stanley (or Scooter the Cougar, if you’re part of the Columbia College family), kids can color their companion, cut it out, and then take cute photos together.

Travel might be limited this summer, but some families are taking this opportunity to go camping in a state park, visit the local beaches or explore some of their hometown parks. This coloring adventure can leap from your kitchen table out into the wilderness as you create and explore with your own traveling companion! Continue reading “Summer Reading Traveling Companions”