Kids love to watch construction equipment in action. My very active grandson stopped what he was doing to just stand and watch a backhoe at work right outside his house. There is something fascinating about big machines and their movements. Even my brother-in-law said he watched a machine working outside his window for at least 30 minutes. If your child loves big machines and trucks, here are some fun resources to enjoy. Continue reading “Virtual Activity Bundle: Construction Vehicles & Trucks”

I’ve got some exciting books for you all this month! I’m particularly looking forward to the chapter books, so make sure you read till the end. Even if your kiddo isn’t ready for chapter books yet, you just might enjoy reading them on your own—they look that good!
Picture Books
“Norman Didn’t Do It! (Yes, He Did)” by Ryan T. Higgins
Norman is a porcupine, and his best friend is a tree named Mildred. They do everything together, from chess to deep (though one-sided) conversations. One day, Norman notices a sapling has sprung up next to Mildred, and he is furious at this intrusion. As he watches Mildred and the sapling growing closer, he’s overcome by jealousy and insecurity and digs up the little tree in the dead of night. Norman takes the sapling far away and plants it on a tiny island where it can’t interfere with his friendship anymore. Soon enough he’s overcome with guilt and remorse and returns the sapling to its original home. I love that this book deals with so many big emotions! Toddlers and preschoolers will easily identify with Norman, and his change of heart models how to make things right when your feelings get out of control. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: September Favorites 2021”
I refuse to let go of summer.
Everywhere I go, I see pumpkins, gourds, bats, cats, and other Halloween decorations.
Absolutely not.
It is still September, and, until September 22nd, we shall remain in summer.
As it is still summer, and not Halloween, I hereby declare it is still time to have fun in our yards! Whether that be last-minute gardening, playing on playgrounds or picking up bugs, we are allowed to firmly hold onto the joy of summer before the falling of the leaves and the crisp autumn breezes.
“Singing in the Rain” arranged and illustrated by Tim Hopgood, original lyrics by Arthur Freed and Nacio Herb Brown
This book is an excellent way to start out a rainy day! Based on the original song, “Singing in the Rain,” children will love this book because the words are familiar, it’s easy to sing and the actions are fun to incorporate!
Continue reading “Yard Fun Picture Books”

Ugh, I know it’s painful to admit, but summer is almost over! If you love the freedom of long summer days of no school, the transition to fall can be a bit of a challenge. But I, for one, love the approach of crisp autumn nights and the beautiful yellows, oranges and browns of the changing leaves. What is your favorite part about fall — the first days of school, hay rides, corn mazes, apple cider, falling leaves, haunted houses, Halloween, Thanksgiving? It always seems like the autumn months are packed full of so many different things and new experiences, so here are some books, songs, videos and an activity to help celebrate all of the colorful change that autumn brings. Continue reading “Virtual Activity Bundle: Autumn”
What’s so great about boring old phonics? Well, it’s the reason you’re able to read this blog! Phonics are the building blocks upon which reading and writing are founded. If you want your kids to be able to “decode” new words, then they’re going to need to know all of the tricky nuances of the English language, and that’s where phonics comes in.

What exactly is phonics? Technically, it’s: “a method of teaching people to read by correlating sounds with letters or groups of letters in an alphabetic writing system.” But you know it as singing the ABC’s, identifying letters and rhyming words at home with your family. Maybe you remember sitting on a large rug in a kindergarten classroom and sounding out vowels and consonants. Perhaps you brought home tiny books that were 10 pages long with a few words on each page — “The fat cat sat on the mat.” Phonics are the hidden games we play to teach language and build a firm foundation for young readers. Continue reading “Fun With Phonics”