New year, new books, let’s goooo! There’s something immensely satisfying and exhilarating about looking ahead to a brand new year of books. Here’s what caught my eye for January, but there are so many more I didn’t have space to write about! My accidental theme this month (I love it when that happens) is families and immigrants.
Picture Books
“The Interpreter” written by Olivia Abtahi and illustrated by Monica Arnaldo
“Some kids had one job: to be a kid. Cecilia worked two.” Cecilia is constantly called on to be an interpreter for her Spanish-speaking parents. While it means she gets to go to special grown-up places like the DMV, it also means she doesn’t get much time to play with friends. Sometimes she’s so overwhelmed by switching back and forth between her two jobs that it’s hard to keep track of everything. When a sympathetic teacher asks how she’s doing at a parent-teacher conference, Cecilia finally has the opportunity to ask for help. While this could be a serious subject, it’s written and illustrated with wonderful humor. When working as an interpreter, Cecilia drinks coffee, carries a briefcase and wears an oversized green power suit that gets bigger and bigger as she gets overwhelmed. The Spanish and English dialogue is shown in different colored speech bubbles, and the characters’ facial expressions are eloquent. Bilingual kids in this situation will feel seen and valued, and kids outside this experience will gain understanding and sympathy. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: January Favorites 2025”