Brianna’s Books: July Favorites 2022

Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2022 by Brianna

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How’s your Summer Reading going? My nine month old son finished his pretty quick, but I still need to catch up. If you need some exciting new books to round out your summer, take a look at these!

Picture Books

Brush! Brush! Brush!” written by Douglas Florian and illustrated by Christiane Engel

I don’t usually highlight board books, but I wanted to bring this one to your attention! This book is perfect for toddlers that are learning how to brush their teeth. The illustrations are bright and exciting but simple enough that it’s easy to follow what’s happening. The text has a wonderful bouncy rhythm, repeating the end of each line. “Toothpaste on the / brush! brush! brush! / Take your time. / Don’t rush! rush! rush!” There’s excellent tooth-brushing advice for every step of the process, delivered with charm and verve. My little boy doesn’t have teeth yet, but we’ll definitely be checking this book out when the time comes! Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: July Favorites 2022”

Make a Merperson Necklace

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2022 by Laura

Merperson Necklace

This year’s summer reading theme “Oceans of Possibilities” has us dreaming of undersea adventures. Who among us hasn’t wished for gills and a tail after a long day of water play? Support creativity and imaginative summer play with this easy and endlessly customizable merperson necklace. Magical seashells are certainly hard to come by in landlocked central Missouri, so recycling an egg carton will save you a trip to the beach — and help keep some trash out of our waterways while you’re at it! Continue reading “Make a Merperson Necklace”

Virtual Activity Bundle: Keep Water Clean

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2022 by Otter

Keep Water Clean Virtual Activity BundleSummer is a great time to interact with water! Rivers, creeks and oceans beckon when the temperatures get hot, and it’s important to drink a lot of clean water, too. Sometimes bodies of water are less than ideal places; they may be polluted or littered with garbage that humans have left behind. Check out these resources to see what you can do to help keep these vital waters clean and healthy for all of the creatures that live there. Continue reading “Virtual Activity Bundle: Keep Water Clean”

Ocean Tales From Around the World

Posted on Monday, June 13, 2022 by Laura

A group of children face each other in a circle and splash in the ocean water, their arms raised.

How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when clearly it is Ocean.” – science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke

We may be landlocked here in Missouri, but did you know that over one-third of the world’s entire population lives near a coastline? As we dive into our summer reading program Oceans of Possibilities, I wanted to explore the the shores and seas so many people around the world call home. In compiling this list, I looked for picture books with a strong sense of place which showcase a variety of distinct cultures of those who live by the sea. From South Korea to Canada, let’s set sail! Continue reading “Ocean Tales From Around the World”

Brianna’s Books: June Favorites 2022

Posted on Thursday, June 9, 2022 by Brianna

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It’s June! Summer is just around the corner. In honor of Summer Reading, I’ve got some new releases for you that have absolutely nothing to do with our “Oceans of Possibilities” theme. I figure we have plenty of book lists already that can point you in that direction! So enjoy these new titles that are completely unrelated to oceans (except for one of the chapter books, but it’s not what you think).

Picture Books

Don’t Worry, Murray” by David Ezra Stein

Murray is a little dog with a lot of fears. He worries about going outside in the rain, and meeting big dogs in the park, and fireworks, and falling asleep next to a picture of a cat hung by his bed. Through all his fears, Murray’s owner is always there to offer kind words and solutions. Murray gains confidence wearing his bright yellow raincoat, his owner reassures him that the big dog at the park is nice, and even stays right beside Murray as he’s falling asleep next to the scary cat picture. What I love about this book (other than the adorable art, obviously) is that it shows you don’t have to tackle your fears alone. Murray is supported and loved every step of the way, which provides a great model for dealing with fears and helping others. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: June Favorites 2022”

Best Friends Books

Posted on Thursday, June 2, 2022 by Adam

How do you know when you’ve found a best friend? Maybe when you’ve found someone who makes you laugh more than anyone else. Or someone who you can’t wait to tell when something really great or really terrible has happened. Or someone who you know will be loyal no matter what. However you define it, when you’ve found a best friend you will want to hold on to them and treasure every moment together. June 8 is National Best Friend Day, so, to celebrate, here are a handful of books for kids about the special bond of friendship.

"My Best Friend" book coverThe title characters of Olivier Dunrea’s “Gossie & Gertie” are two ducks, and best friends, who do everything together. Wherever Gossie, the bigger duck, goes, Gertie follows. But eventually, Gertie gets tired of following and starts to do her own thing. This makes Gossie annoyed at first, but then she decides that she’s okay with following Gertie for a while, and the two friends continue having fun together! Continue reading “Best Friends Books”

Summer Bucket List

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2022 by Julia Deters

As May comes to a close, many children anxiously await the start of summer vacation. To keep track of all of the things I want to do this summer, I decided to create a bucket list! To create your own bucket list, you and your child can add some books and activities from this blog or come up with different ideas, like visiting Rock Bridge Memorial State Park or having a movie night.

Photo of a paper that displays a summer bucket list.

Continue reading “Summer Bucket List”

Bookworm Bookmarks

Posted on Monday, May 23, 2022 by Katie

What can make reading a book from your local library even more fun? Crafting your own bookmark to use in your library book! Read on to learn how to create your own bookworm bookmark to travel with you on your next reading adventure.

To create these cute critters, you’ll need a few supplies. Gather a thick sheet of white paper, a piece of colored paper (about 8.5″ by 4″) and a variety of patterned pieces of paper of any size. A piece of yarn or ribbon (under 1/4 inches wide) will be used for a tongue. You’ll also need scissors, glue and a hole punch.

Continue reading “Bookworm Bookmarks”