2020 Missouri Book Champions!

Posted on Friday, April 24, 2020 by Kristy

Award collageThe librarians of Missouri believe that exposing students to quality literature impacts their future reading habits. The MASL (Missouri Association of School Librarians) Readers Awards encourage students in grades one through twelve to explore new literary genres, to recognize excellence in writing and illustrating and to experience the joy of literature.

DBRL has purchased digital versions of the MASL award winners so you can check out and read them from the comfort of your home. Enjoy!

And the 2020 award winners are…

Show Me Readers Award Winner


The Legend of Rock Paper ScissorsLegend of Rock Paper Scissors

If you could fit a big budget Hollywood action movie into a tiny and ridiculous picture book for children, this would be it. Rock feels no joy in squashing Apricot. Paper outwits Computer Printer with ease. Not even Dinosaur-shaped Chicken Nuggets can defeat Scissors! Will they ever find worthy adversaries? This is the origin story of the legendary game played across the world.

Mark Twain Award Winner


One for SorrowOne For Sorrow

Against the ominous backdrop of the influenza epidemic of 1918, Annie, a new girl at school, is claimed as best friend by Elsie, a classmate who is a tattletale, a liar, and a thief. Soon Annie makes other friends and finds herself joining them in teasing and tormenting Elsie. Elsie dies from influenza, but then she returns to reclaim Annie’s friendship and punish all the girls who bullied her. Young readers who revel in spooky stories will relish this chilling tale of a girl haunted by a vengeful ghost. Continue reading “2020 Missouri Book Champions!”

Porch Picnic

Posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 by Kristy

Porch Picnic
Librarian Hilary’s spouse and kiddo enjoying their own porch picnic!

While going on picnics at your local park is always fun, don’t forget that you can have a picnic anywhere! You can have a picnic in your home, in your yard or on your porch. I love porch picnics most because you’re technically outside and can appreciate the great outdoors, but you’re close to your fridge if you forget a tasty treat.

Porch picnics are super easy! Some things you might want to bring:

  • A blanket, of course. Sheets or towels also work.
  • A meal or snacks with a drink. Play food also works if you want the fun but not the mess.
  • Plates and utensils. (Or paper bags for finger foods.)
  • Stuffed animals. Bring your favorite fluffy friends to enjoy the fun.
  • Games. These can be board games or simple games like “I spy” (“I spy…something red and crunchy…an apple!”).
  • Books to enjoy!*

*Don’t have any good books on hand? Try these eBooks from OverDrive on your device.

The Bear's Picnic bookThe Bear’s Picnic” by Stan & Jan Berenstain

When the Berenstain Bears set out to find the perfect spot for a picnic, Father Bear says he knows just the place. But each ideal location turns out to be a complete disaster, with a train roaring past or hordes of mosquitoes. At last they find a place with no pesky crowds or noisy planes, and nary a mosquito . . . until it starts to rain.



A Summer Picnic book

A Summer Picnic: A Disney Read-Along” by Disney Books

Summer the kitten loves long days in the meadow, but as she daydreams about climbing trees one afternoon, she notices a large tree nearby and decides to climb it! Suddenly, Summer is stuck high in the tree, and even worse, it begins to rain and lightning! As the thunder roars, Summer spots a girl running through the rain toward the tree. Will Summer ever make it out of the storm? Follow along with word-for-word narration as Summer makes a friend and finds a place to call home.

Have a Bubble Bash at Home!

Posted on Monday, April 13, 2020 by Kristy

I just looked at the calendar and realized that this Friday is the day we had originally planned my Bubble Bash program at the library. Though the program is canceled, I thought I would bring the Bubble Bash to you with some ideas! And trust me, almost all kids (and teens and adults!) love bubbles. There’s just something magical about them!

You can make bubbles at home with this simple yet AMAZING recipe and have some bubble fun of your own.

Here’s what you need:

  • ¼ cup dishwashing liquid
  • 2 ½ cups water
  • 2 tsp. white corn syrup
  • Mixing spoon
  • Bowl
  • Sealable container
  • Bubble wand

Here’s what you do:

  1. Gently mix dishwashing liquid, water and corn syrup.
  2. Pour into a sealable container such as a plastic milk jug.
  3. Let it sit for one day. (The bubble mix improves after sitting. Plus, waiting to play with the bubbles is a great opportunity to practice patience and self-control with your child.)

After you’ve waited a day, it’s time to play with the bubbles! You can use bubble wands, straws or other circular objects from around the house (examples above!) to blow bubbles. When your children jump, run and kick to pop the bubbles, they’re working on their balance and their control over large movements. If you have older kids, you can talk about the science behind bubbles— elasticity, chemistry, light and even geometry! The fun and learning opportunities are endless. Enjoy!

Youth Services Team Update!

Posted on Thursday, April 9, 2020 by Kristy

It’s been nearly a month since library staff have been in their library, and the main thing we all agree on is that WE MISS YOU! To pass the time away from our favorite library patrons, we’ve been doing a lot of cool stuff behind the scenes like online training, Summer Reading preparations and getting lots of good resources out to you with our newsletters and our social media platforms.

Want to know what else the youth services team has been up to? Read below!


“We have been spending as much time as possible on the porch. Reading, singing and making art. The backyard is also getting a lot of love as we start the garden and chill in the hammock. And puzzles—we’re putting the dog kennel tray to work.”


“I’ve found so much joy and peace creating a garden in my backyard this spring! I’ve dug a hole for toads, planted a dozen native plants from the Missouri Wildflower Nursery and have prepared three trays of milkweed to help the monarch butterflies!“


“I’ve turned our guest bedroom into a studio for working on Summer Reading decorations. I am not very focused as I am also knitting a baby sweater for a dear friend, working in the garden and putting together grocery lists for pick up.”


(We’re bringing in this special library employee for the summer, since the Summer Reading theme, Imagine Your Story, is their specialty!)

“My life has been pretty boring. Did a bit of online shopping and have been walking my dog a little more often in my new outfit. Nothing anyone would find interesting.”

~DBRL Unicorn

“Being stuck at home isn’t so bad. We’re catching up on movies and making sure that we get our veggies in! Popcorn is a vegetable, right?”

~Megan Continue reading “Youth Services Team Update!”

Brianna’s Books: Excellent eBooks (Part 2)

Posted on Wednesday, April 8, 2020 by Brianna

Here’s round 2 of some excellent eBooks (and audiobooks) I’ve been purchasing for you!

First of all, I wanted to make sure you can still access all your favorite series. We now have all ten of The Bad Guys books in eBook format, as well as all of the Baby-sitter’s Club graphic novels, including the newest Little Sisters book. I also picked up all of the Wings of Fire downloadable audiobooks. If you’re wanting something a bit more haunting, try Mary Downing Hahn’s eBooks and audiobooks.

New Chapter Books Online

Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of DoomWayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom” written by Louis Sachar, illustrated by Tim Heitz

Guess when the last Wayside School book came out? 1995! 25 years later and we have the next book in this delightful series. While I haven’t read this newest one yet, what I loved about the first books is the perfect combination of comedy and kindness in each chapter. Definitely check out this new book, but if you want to go back and read the others first, we have all of those in eBook format as well.


Narwhal on a Sunny NightNarwhal On a Sunny Night” written by Mary Pope Osborne, illustrated by AG Ford

Here’s another new book to try! This is the latest in the Magic Tree House series, in which Jack and Annie get to meet Lief Erikson—and narwhals of course. We have this one in eBook and downloadable audiobook. Once you’ve finished it, bring in a little nonfiction fun with the companion book “Narwhals and Other Whales.”



Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the SkyTristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky” written by Kwame Mbalia

Fans of Percy Jackson should definitely check out this Rick Riordan Presents book. Mbalia crafts an adventure with African-American folklore, West African mythology, and a relatably imperfect hero. When Tristan accidentally punches a hole into another world, he must team up with John Henry and other heroes to save that world.


Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: Excellent eBooks (Part 2)”

Brianna’s Books: Excellent eBooks (Part 1)

Posted on Monday, April 6, 2020 by Brianna

My own personal pile of library books is starting to dwindle at this point. If your family is in the same boat, why not check out some of our materials on OverDrive/Libby? The great thing about these eBooks and audiobooks is that I can purchase them and they show up in our catalog later that same day. With no shipping times, it makes it easy for me to keep up with your holds, so hopefully you won’t have to wait too long for anything!

Below are some electronic picture books that I’ve recently purchased for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Dragons Love TacosDragons Love Tacos” written by Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri

Dragons and tacos. Enough said. If you haven’t read this delightful picture book yet, definitely check out this eBook. This particular one is actually an audiobook as well, so if your kiddo loves this story as much as I expect, they can just keep listening on repeat. Of course we have the sequel too!



Grumpy Monkey” written by Suzanne Lang, illustrated by Max Lang

Grumpy days are inevitable, especially with all the changes little ones are experiencing recently. Not only is this a fun read-aloud, it also teaches an important lesson about giving others space to work through their feelings.



Sulwe” written by Lupita Nyong’o, illustrated by Vashti Harrison

Actress Lupita Nyong’o has written this beautiful story about colorism and self-love. Sulwe is the darkest person in her family and struggles to come to terms with that. She tries various ways to lighten her skin, to no avail. When a shooting star comes through her window and relates a fable of the two sisters Night and Day, Sulwe realizes that dark is beautiful.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this blog coming on Wednesday, April 8, where I’ll write about some awesome eBooks for older kids that I’ve purchased. See you then!

#HarryPotterAtHome: No Wait for the First Harry Potter Book!

Posted on Friday, April 3, 2020 by Kristy

Harry Potter At Home

Calling all Ravenclaws, Slytherins, Gryffindors and (my personal favorite) Hufflepuffs! This is not a drill!

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling is now accessible online in eBook and audiobook formats with no wait lists or holds through OverDrive. The eBooks and audiobooks are in over 10 different languages and will be available through May 31.

Never used OverDrive before? Here’s some information to get you started.

After reading some Harry Potter, visit harrypotterathome.com for activities like:

Have fun! And always remember:

Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” ~Albus Dumbledore

Scholastic Learn at Home: Keep Kids Reading, Thinking and Growing

Posted on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 by Kristy

Are you teaching your child from home? If so, I know there’s an abundance of resources out there for you to use! One of my favorites that I recently learned about is Scholastic Learn at Home.

This online resource gives parents and caregivers 20 days’ worth of topics (or, as Scholastic calls them, “learning journeys”) created to reinforce and sustain learning for students who are unable to attend school at this time.

These learning journeys, designed for preschool all they way up to grade 9, are really fun! The content for the preschoolers through grade 2 includes eBooks that you can read or watch online, videos and drawing and writing activities. The older kid learning journeys include cool articles like, “Burger bugs? Why some experts think more people should eat insects.” Not only is this title a fun draw, it explains about how 2 billion people in the world eat insects, the nutritional benefits of eating bugs and how eating bugs can actually help the planet!

Scholastic Learn at Home
Here’s an example of what a day’s learning journey could look like. Fun!

The articles for older kids include photos, videos and are a fun, bite-sized way to learn. They also have the option of speech-to-text, if you want to listen as you read. You can select a Lexile level, and the articles will adjust, getting easier or more difficult with your pick.

Here are some additional resources for families to go along with Scholastic Learn at Home. They’ll be adding more every day!

Knickknack Art

Posted on Monday, March 30, 2020 by Kristy

Knickknack ArtSlowly yet surely, spring is making an appearance! Parents around Missouri are rejoicing that their kids can now play outside. (I know I am!) It’s especially nice to take the fun outdoors when you want to let your kids be creative, but you don’t want your house looking like a disaster zone.

If you want to have some messy fun, try knickknack art. All you need is paint, paper (or, alternatively, foil or parchment paper), and literally anything from around the house to paint with.

Here are some ideas:

  • LEGO
  • Toy cars
  • Combs or brushes
  • Forks
  • K’nex
  • Paper towel rolls
  • lids
  • Junk drawer items (old keys, change, rubber bands)

Have your kids dip these items in paint, and apply them to paper in different ways to create unique and beautiful artwork!


Continue reading “Knickknack Art”

Stressed Out? Me Too. These Ideas Might Help.

Posted on Friday, March 27, 2020 by Kristy

My cute baby posing so I can have a photo for this blog!

I woke up this morning feeling like a giant stress ball. My jaw was so clenched that I had to massage it back to life. And I know I’m not the only one—this is a tough time, for both kids and adults.

For times like these, when I wake up already overwhelmed, I keep a mental toolbox of things to help me chill out. I used a few of these tools today before my new coworkers (my husband and baby) woke up, and they helped me transform myself from a giant stress ball into a medium stress ball. I’ll take that as a win!

Below, I’ll share some tools that help me manage my overwhelm and anxiety. I’ll also share some great resources for kids too!


I have to admit, I used to loathe yoga. I’ve tried it off and on over the years because it is recommended by practically everyone, but I never really got into it. Then I tried the Down Dog app. Now I’m totally won over. I like it because you can be so specific—you can pick the exact amount of time you want to work out, the difficulty level, what you want to focus on (lower back stretches, core strength, hip stretches, etc.) and you can even pick the music and the narrator’s voice! You get a unique, personalized yoga practice every time. Because of the current pandemic, Down Dog is offering this app free to all customers until May 1. And they are offering it free to students and teachers until July 1. I totally recommend giving it a try.

The library also offers Hoopla, which has a variety of workout videos you can watch online for free, including yoga! Here’s some yoga videos just for kids.


A lot of us have found ourselves with some extra time on our hands. Why not set aside a few minutes for meditation? Since my baby demands nearly all of my time during her waking hours, I usually reserve meditation for early in the morning before she gets up. It always makes me feel more centered and ready to take on my day. Hoopla has lots of resources on meditation, from books to videos and music. Here’s some meditation resources just for kids.

If you prefer an app for guided meditation, Headspace is great. Unfortunately, after a free trial it is pretty pricey to use. However, if you are a U.S. healthcare professional, you can get free access to the Headspace app through December. Just fill out this questionnaire. If you are a K-12 teacher, school administrator or supporting staff, you can also get Headspace for free.


Sometimes you just need to hash things out with a mental health professional. Unfortunately, many offices are closed at this point in time. If you or your child would like support and help coping with the stress and anxiety related to the life and routine changes due to COVID-19, the MU Psychological Services Clinic is offering telehealth services via videoconference or telephone. Fill out this survey to get connected with a mental health professional.

The DBRL Adults blog wrote a similar article recently about other things you can do to protect your mental health. Check that out here.

What are other things you are doing to keep yourself and you kids calm during this time? Share your ideas in the comments below.