Create a Cottage Box

Posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 by Aimee

Handmade gifts are special for any celebration. In this blog, I’ll teach you how to create a winter cottage box that can be filled with homemade treats or a special gift!

For this project, you will need:

  • Cottage box pattern
  • White cardstock paper
  • Colored pencils or fine tipped markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Tape (regular or double-sided)

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Winter Read-Alouds for the Whole Family

Posted on Monday, December 13, 2021 by Laura

The holiday season is in full swing, and with this exciting time of year comes plenty of opportunities for quality time with the family! In my mind, there’s no better way to spend these cozy days than sharing a book with a loved one.

A young girl surrounded by stuffed animals falls asleep in bed while her father sits beside her and reads a storybook aloud.

Coming from a family of voracious readers, some of my fondest memories of this time of year involve good books: snuggling with my sister in the back seat as we listened to “A Christmas Carol” on the drive to Grandma’s house, gathering around my grandpa’s easy chair on Christmas Eve to listen to the nativity story, my dad drifting off in the middle of a sentence while reading “Little House on the Prairie” to me. Even as an adult, these memories stick with me, and I hope to share my favorite childhood reads with my own family one day.

Long car rides, snowed-in days at home or the nightly bedtime routine are all ideal occasions for story time! The challenge often comes in trying to find an appropriate book that everyone, from toddlers to grandparents, will find enjoyable and engaging. Here are some helpful tips for choosing the perfect read-aloud book: Continue reading “Winter Read-Alouds for the Whole Family”

Poetry to End the Year

Posted on Thursday, December 9, 2021 by Grae

Photo of an empty field, a yellow and green treeline, road, and sidewalk in Columbia, MO, all dusted with snow.The clocks have changed, the days are getting shorter and here in central Missouri, winter has come with plenty of its characteristic frost and wind. For some, this season and its chill are a welcomed time to gather together in celebration and anticipation, to share stories of the past and make goals for the new year. For others, these colder, darker days are difficult to get through, especially when the previous year (or more) has come with its own challenges and heartaches. Wherever you fall on this continuum, I hope you can find some salve and some brilliance, or even some simple moments of “this gets me” resonance, in the following books of poetry which embody the many reflective moods of this season.

Continue reading “Poetry to End the Year”

Virtual Activity Bundle: Winter

Posted on Thursday, December 2, 2021 by Adam

Virtual Activity Bundle WinterBrrr! Can you feel the chill in the air? It’s almost wintertime again! Time to pull out our wool socks, heavy coats and gloves. Time to turn up the heat in our homes and maybe dust off our sleds and inner tubes in preparation for the first snow day of the school year! And time to perhaps prepare gifts and/or decorations for the upcoming holidays. Whatever your favorite part of the season, these wonderful books, catchy songs, informative videos and fun craft projects can hopefully serve as a complement to your winter fun.



Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter” by Kenard Pak
A brother and sister take a walk through their town on a late autumn afternoon, greeting the signs of the coming winter and wake the next morning to a beautiful snowfall. Continue reading “Virtual Activity Bundle: Winter”

2021 Missouri Building Block Nominees

Posted on Monday, November 29, 2021 by Kristy

Listed below are the Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees for 2021! These books encourage reading aloud to children and are selected annually by a group of librarians from Missouri.

Read to your child at least five of the books from the following list of 10 titles, and then vote for your favorite. If you want to check out all of the books at once, pick up a Missouri Building Block Kit.

Voting is open to children in kindergarten and younger and goes through December. The winner will be announced in February.

The Pigeon Has to Go to School!

The pigeon must go to school, but frets about math, learning the alphabet, heavy backpacks and what the teacher and other birds will think of him.

Continue reading “2021 Missouri Building Block Nominees”

Old to New, Generosity for Children

Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2021 by Tess

Hand-me-downs, pre-owned, second-hand and well-loved: there’s something uniquely special about giving something a second life. Perhaps it’s as inconsequential as passing along a soccer ball, repurposing a pair of old jeans into a tote bag or sharing a well-loved recipe with a friend. Other times the significance is greater, such as inheriting your grandmother’s necklace, adopting a senior pet or being gifted a plant so old no one remembers where it came from. There is a sense of pricelessness that comes with a long history of many caring, loving homes. 

In the spirit of “well-loved” things “living on,” I began pondering what first experiences young children might have with this concept. Today, I present to you a collection of stories that will touch your heart and inspire you and your littles to live a life of conscious generosity and kindness. 

Red Shoes by Karen English, Ebony Glenn, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®

Red Shoes” written by Karen English, illustrated by Ebony Glenn Continue reading “Old to New, Generosity for Children”

Watch at Home

Posted on Monday, November 15, 2021 by Megan

As the days get shorter and colder, now is the perfect time to cuddle up with a blanket, pop some popcorn and watch some of your favorite YouTube videos! Here at the library, we have been creating fantastic content just for you. No matter how young or how old you are, we have something for everyone.

Music & Movement — Ages birth-5.
There’s no shhhing us, because we love to sing and dance at the library! In these videos, we’ll teach you some of our favorite songs and rhymes.

Photo of Music and Movement Song Continue reading “Watch at Home”

Autumn Scavenger Hunt

Posted on Friday, November 5, 2021 by Laura

A crisp chill in the air, crunchy leaves underfoot, chattering squirrels gathering nuts for the long winter ahead… 

There’s no better time to enjoy a hike or a nature walk than fall! Months of blistering hot Missouri summer kept me inside with a good book and a cold drink, but this cooler weather beckons me back to the great outdoors. 

A smiling father holds his toddler as they look at fall leaves.
Photo via Pexels.

My partner and I have been exploring all of the amazing green spaces and hiking trails the Columbia area has to offer. On this particular hiking trip, we explored the Shooting Star Trail at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park. Even a visit to your local playground, a stroll around the neighborhood or a quiet afternoon in the backyard can provide great ways to share the joys of autumn with your child. 

Having a mission in mind before you venture out can help keep reluctant kiddos engaged in your outdoor excursion. Look high in the trees and low on the ground to appreciate even the smallest members of the ecosystem. Slowing down and taking in the world around you is an easy way to practice mindfulness, too!  Continue reading “Autumn Scavenger Hunt”

Autumn Wreath Craft

Posted on Monday, November 1, 2021 by Aimee

autumn wreathThis fun and easy project encourages small children to use their fine motor skills and creativity to make a small hanging to celebrate autumn. Small children can sort the leaves by color, shape or texture before attaching them to the paper wreath form. You may enjoy adding colorful leaves you find on a nature walk or tracing your child’s hand onto a piece of paper and adding it to your wreath. Finish your wreath off with a bow and enjoy the results!

What you’ll need

  • hand-drawn leaves template
  • 1 paper plate or cardboard circle 
  • scissors
  • 1 length of yarn
  • 12 leaves (more or less) cut out of paper or collected on a nature walk
  • 1 ribbon 
  • glue or double stick tape
  • hole puncher

Continue reading “Autumn Wreath Craft”