Brianna’s Books: Early 2022 Favorites

Posted on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 by Brianna

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I’m baaaack! I missed writing for you all! I’ve recently returned from maternity leave, so I’ve got so many fun books from January and February to share with you. I promise that next month we’ll be back to our regular brand new releases, but in the meantime please enjoy these titles from the beginning of the year. Read to the end for a picture of my sweet little bibliophile!

Picture Books

Mina” by Matthew Forsythe

This cover might look familiar for those of you that enjoyed “Pokko and the Drum.” Forsythe is back with another beautifully illustrated forest tale, this time starring a mouse. Mina is a quiet mouse, content in her cozy house with her books, but her enthusiastic and optimistic father is always bringing home surprises. When he brings home an enormous “squirrel” that looks an awful lot like a cat, Mina starts to worry. This book is filled with delicious tension as the two mice try to live in their small home with their very large pet “squirrel,” all while Mina attempts to convince her father of the danger. The author said he got the idea for this story at the start of the pandemic, when he was thinking about who we allow into our bubbles. This could be a great conversation starter for little ones who can handle some suspense! Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: Early 2022 Favorites”

Expressions of Love for Little Ones

Posted on Monday, February 14, 2022 by Laura

Today is Valentine’s Day, and, love it or hate, this holiday is bound to inspire some questions from the kids in your life. For these little humans just beginning to understand how our world works, sometimes big feelings surrounding love and affection can be tricky to navigate. Sharing a book with a trusted loved one is a great way to sort out some of these complicated emotions.

Some children may begin to blush at the mention of Valentine’s Day as they make their first awkward attempts at young love. “This Is Not a Valentine” by Carter Higgins is a sweet look at age-appropriate ways to interact with a crush. In adorably childlike crayon and marker drawings, two little ones express their burgeoning affection in some less-than-conventional ways. Rest assured that this gentle story focuses on warm words and quiet acts of kindness rather than grand gestures or potentially unwanted contact. Continue reading “Expressions of Love for Little Ones”

Inspire Your Heart With Art

Posted on Monday, January 31, 2022 by Julia Deters

January 31 is National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day, and while I know that is certainly a long holiday title, it is one worth celebrating with your own little artists. Art can look like a variety of things, ranging from painting to performing, so I have compiled a list of a few ideas to observe this holiday with your child.

The first way you and your child may want to choose to celebrate this holiday is through reading! Reading and literature on its own is an art form, but this list includes several books that celebrate and highlight different types of art and artists. Here are some biographies/works of pioneers in the art world that will inspire your child (and hopefully you as well):

Matthew Burgess’ “Drawing on the Walls” follows the life of Keith Haring as he fights to make art publicly accessible.

Book cover of "Drawing on Walls" by Matthew Burgess Continue reading “Inspire Your Heart With Art”

Snowpeople Craft

Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2022 by Amy

Brrr, it’s cold outside! Let’s stay cozy and warm inside while creating this winter-themed craft.

Here is what you will need to create your very own popsicle stick snowpeople. Make yours special by adding color, ribbons or any other favorite materials. The possibilities are endless!

Items needed

  • Construction or cardstock paper in each of these colors:
    • White
    • Black
    • Orange
    • Pink
    • Blue
    • Yellow
  • 2 googly eyes
  • 1 jumbo popsicle stick
  • White paint
  • Paint brush
  • 2 chenille stems
  • Black marker
  • Glue stick

Continue reading “Snowpeople Craft”

Picture Books We Love: Bodies Are Cool

Posted on Monday, December 20, 2021 by Megan

Book cover for "Bodies Are Cool" by Tyler Feder, featuring illustrated people with diverse bodies.

“Big bodies, small bodies, dancing, playing, happy bodies! Look at all these different bodies! Bodies are cool!” Tyler Feder’s new picture book, “Bodies Are Cool,” is practically perfect in every way. I’ve followed Tyler’s social media and books for a long time, so I knew I was going to love it. Each page features all sorts of folks doing all sorts of activities, including my favorite pages which focus on people swimming! Young and old, big and small, moms and dads, all are in swimsuits having a grand time! Her whimsical and bright illustrations will make you want to read this book over and over again. You’re likely to find something new every time you read it. I read it a third time just so I could find everybody with a tattoo!

This book celebrates ALL bodies, and by the end, you may find yourself staring into a mirror admiring your coolness.

Count Down to New Year’s Craft

Posted on Thursday, December 16, 2021 by Katie

It’s common to create paper chains to count down the days until a favorite holiday or highly anticipated event. These chains are visual trackers that can help little ones grasp the concept of time. Recently, I saw where parents were creating paper chains for New Year, and I thought this would be a wonderful activity for families to count down to midnight on December 31.

I love how versatile these paper chains can be. When I started to create my own for this blog, the plan was to just write the time in a 12-hour format using different colors. Then I realized I could also write the time in a 24-hour format. What a great way this would be to introduce and practice this concept to older children.

Then I thought about being super visual with different times and writing out the times with words and drawing little clocks on light-colored paper. (But how amazing would it be to create a rainbow chain! I love the idea of using super special paper to make the midnight chain, such as patterned scrapbook paper.) Continue reading “Count Down to New Year’s Craft”

Poetry to End the Year

Posted on Thursday, December 9, 2021 by Grae

Photo of an empty field, a yellow and green treeline, road, and sidewalk in Columbia, MO, all dusted with snow.The clocks have changed, the days are getting shorter and here in central Missouri, winter has come with plenty of its characteristic frost and wind. For some, this season and its chill are a welcomed time to gather together in celebration and anticipation, to share stories of the past and make goals for the new year. For others, these colder, darker days are difficult to get through, especially when the previous year (or more) has come with its own challenges and heartaches. Wherever you fall on this continuum, I hope you can find some salve and some brilliance, or even some simple moments of “this gets me” resonance, in the following books of poetry which embody the many reflective moods of this season.

Continue reading “Poetry to End the Year”

Virtual Activity Bundle: Winter

Posted on Thursday, December 2, 2021 by Adam

Virtual Activity Bundle WinterBrrr! Can you feel the chill in the air? It’s almost wintertime again! Time to pull out our wool socks, heavy coats and gloves. Time to turn up the heat in our homes and maybe dust off our sleds and inner tubes in preparation for the first snow day of the school year! And time to perhaps prepare gifts and/or decorations for the upcoming holidays. Whatever your favorite part of the season, these wonderful books, catchy songs, informative videos and fun craft projects can hopefully serve as a complement to your winter fun.



Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter” by Kenard Pak
A brother and sister take a walk through their town on a late autumn afternoon, greeting the signs of the coming winter and wake the next morning to a beautiful snowfall. Continue reading “Virtual Activity Bundle: Winter”

2021 Missouri Building Block Nominees

Posted on Monday, November 29, 2021 by Kristy

Listed below are the Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award nominees for 2021! These books encourage reading aloud to children and are selected annually by a group of librarians from Missouri.

Read to your child at least five of the books from the following list of 10 titles, and then vote for your favorite. If you want to check out all of the books at once, pick up a Missouri Building Block Kit.

Voting is open to children in kindergarten and younger and goes through December. The winner will be announced in February.

The Pigeon Has to Go to School!

The pigeon must go to school, but frets about math, learning the alphabet, heavy backpacks and what the teacher and other birds will think of him.

Continue reading “2021 Missouri Building Block Nominees”