Brianna’s Books: January Favorites 2023

Posted on Thursday, January 5, 2023 by Brianna

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Let’s welcome in the new year with some new books! I’ve got some really fun ones for you. Don’t forget to check our catalog for digital versions if you’d prefer not to venture out in the cold!

Picture Books

Very Good Hats” written by Emma Straub and illustrated by Blanca Gómez 

Just about anything can be a hat! Bowls, pants, books — the possibilities are endless! And hats aren’t only defined as something that goes on your head. Acorns make great hats for fingers, and obviously, roofs are hats for houses. Some hats are temporary, like bubbles in the bath or leaves falling from trees. Some hats might surprise you, like a warm cat on your head in the winter. My toddler adores hats, so I’m looking forward to sharing this with him later. Sometimes when he brings me a shoe, I place it on my head and ask if it’s a hat. Giggles ensue as he snatches it off my head and places it on my foot. Yet after reading this book, the answer might just be, “Why not?”

This Little Kitty” written and illustrated by Karen Obuhanych

I love kitties, but I am sometimes glad that I only have a dog. Especially when I see all the mischief kitties get up to! There are five little kitties in this book, and their day is full of delightful destruction. Kitties claw up curtains, nap in hanging potted plants and spill kibble all over the floor. But obviously, they’re impossibly cute the entire time! We see the occasional hand or leg of their humans, who seem thankfully unconcerned by all the kitten antics. This is sure to please littles who love cats!

Chapter Books

Harmony and Heartbreak” by Claire Kann

I feel like I tend to highlight more serious chapter books, so this time I’ve got frothy escapism for you! Honestly, I’ve been really enjoying reading some lighter, feel-good books lately, and this one definitely fits the bill. Cousins Rose and Cora live in their family’s hotel in San Francisco, and are busy perfecting their magical skills to become Matchmakers. Each of them has magic that’s used to help compatible people make connections and fall in love. Now they’re being offered a chance to face the tests that will advance them to the next level of Matchmaking, but they have to do it alone. The tests are designed specifically for their weaknesses, and if they fail both tests, they could lose their magic. A bit of drama, a magic system I hadn’t seen before, and a belief in the power of love. There’s a lot to enjoy in this series starter!

Dragonboy” by Megan Reyes

In case you’re not in the mood for a rom-com, let’s finish out with an epic fantasy! Haven has been at war for generations, with each side taught to hate and fear the others. Wren’s people use magic and live alongside the dragons, while Shenli’s people abhor magic. Blue was transformed into a dragon after sacrificing for his loved ones, and River leaves a prestigious position as Lead Harvester to travel with him. These four preteens are brought together by Fate so they can end the war and heal their country. But they have thick layers of lies and misconceptions to work through so they can begin to work together and trust one another. Written from each of their perspectives, this debut book expertly balances fascinating worldbuilding, action and humor. Be warned, this is a series starter as well, and it will certainly leave you eager for the next book.

Gingerbread Dough Sensory Bin

Posted on Monday, December 12, 2022 by Laura

‘Tis the season for holiday baking — cakes, pies, breads and best of all, cookies! My mom has quite the extensive cookie cutter collection. One of my favorite holiday traditions growing up was sorting through all the fun shapes then baking and decorating until we had enough cookies to last us through February! 🍪

If your little one’s not quite ready to take part in the flurry of holiday baking, or you’re just on the lookout for a fun winter break activity, may I introduce the magic of the gingerbread dough sensory bin! The recipe is adapted from the blog Sugar, Spice and Glitter. Although flour and oil don’t make for a particularly tasty snack, this dough is safe for little ones to munch on. Plus, all that gingerbread-y goodness smells HEAVENLY! Here’s what you’ll need to make your own gingerbread dough: Continue reading “Gingerbread Dough Sensory Bin”

Brianna’s Books: Favorites from 2022

Posted on Monday, December 5, 2022 by Brianna

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It’s the end of the year, and I feel like there are so many books I never got to tell you about! So this month I decided to share some of my favorite books that came out earlier this year. That means you don’t have to wait for the release date, so find these on the shelves or check out a digital version and enjoy!

Picture Books

The Big Worry Day” written by K.A. Reynolds and illustrated by Chloe Dominque

You may think that there have been a lot of books about dealing with anxiety lately, but this one has a PUPPER! And more ways to talk about working through anxiety are always welcome. The little girl in this story claims that her dog worries just like she does. Their only agenda is to go outside and play, but there are so many things the narrator worries could go wrong. Together they tackle their day using various strategies like breathing and thinking of their favorite things. (The dog’s thought balloon prominently features the little girl, which is ADORABLE.) There’s a sweet and helpful author’s note in the back that talks about working through anxiety. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: Favorites from 2022”

Handprint Calendar 2023

Posted on Thursday, December 1, 2022 by Erin

Handprint art in the shape of a Cardinal

I cannot believe that the new year is almost here!

The library is continuing our tradition of providing a handprint calendar just for you! Not only do these calendars make great gifts, but they are also a handy way to document family milestones.

Download the 2023 Calendar! Print on cardstock for the best results.  

To set yourself up for success, we recommend collecting your supplies beforehand:

Below are tips from a seasoned handprint calendar creator!

  • If you’re using paint or stamp pads, work near a sink and have plenty of wet wipes!
  • Work on this project over multiple short sessions to allow the pages to dry.
  • Here is a Pinterest Board full of ideas to tailor your project to your personality.

We hope you enjoy the process as much as the product!

Brianna’s Books: November Favorites 2022

Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2022 by Brianna

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Fall and early winter usually means reading a lot of holiday books. If you’re ready for a break from pumpkins and turkeys and trees, try a few of these new books we just got in!

Picture Books

I Don’t Care” written by Julie Fogliano and illustrated by Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal

This is a book about friendship, illustrated by two real life besties. Two friends, standing back-to-back, state all the things they don’t care about, as the book opens with “I really don’t care what you think of my hair / or my eyes or my toes or my nose.” They continue to list superficial things they don’t care about, like a preference for polka dots or florals, or what each has for lunch. Slowly the text shifts to the things the friends do care about like sharing, honesty and loyalty. “I really do care about all of that stuff / I really do care a lot.” The text is expertly written, with a solid rhyme scheme and a rhythm that never falters. The illustrations by the two artists are perfect, as the two friends play separately then together on the page. More friendship books are always a good thing, and this one stands out from the crowd. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: November Favorites 2022”

Brianna’s Books: October Favorites 2022

Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2022 by Brianna

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Hello again! Are you enjoying autumn so far? After you’re done stomping on crunchy leaves and sipping apple cider, snuggle up somewhere cozy with one of these new books.

Picture Books

Wombat Said Come In” written by Carmen Agra Deedy and illustrated by Brian Lies

Bush fires are raging in Australia, but Wombat isn’t worried. He knows he’ll be safe in his cozy, underground burrow and prepares to snuggle in with his favorite quilt and a mug of tea. Then a knock on his door introduces a succession of animals fleeing the fires, and Wombat invites them all in with unfailing hospitality. But Wallaby, Kookaburra, Platypus, Koala and Sugar Glider are not the most considerate house guests, and Wombat is eager to regain the serenity of his home after the danger is over. Yet when one of the animals doesn’t have a home to return to, Wombat’s compassion overrules his frustration with his guests. Kids can giggle at the animals’ antics but this book also creates a wonderful opportunity to discuss our responsibility to help others in need. And the Australian setting introduces fun animals that might not be as familiar to our North American audiences. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: October Favorites 2022”

Celebrating Grandparents and Elders in Picture Books

Posted on Monday, September 12, 2022 by Laura

Two young children in sundresses sit on a low wall outdoors while holding flowers. An elderly man and woman stand beside them. The children offer kisses to their grandparents.

The Sunday after Labor Day is recognized nationally as Grandparents’ Day. Maybe your family celebrated the grands in your life with Sunday brunch, or maybe your school put on a Grandparents’ Day celebration. Or perhaps this day quietly slipped you by. Maybe your kiddos lost their grandparents too soon or perhaps outside factors have led to strained relationships. Nevertheless, instilling an appreciation for the older members of our families and communities in the next generation is essential for the future health of our society. And when elders create connections with the young people in their lives, both groups are statistically proven to lead healthier, happier lives. In celebration of intergenerational relationships and everything elders bring to our children’s lives, I’ve put together a simply GRAND collection of picture books to share with all ages! Continue reading “Celebrating Grandparents and Elders in Picture Books”

Brianna’s Books: August Favorites 2022

Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2022 by Brianna

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The next time I write to you, school will have already started! So kick back and cherish the last days of summer vacation with some great new books. Remember to put these on hold, so we can place them in your hands as soon as we get them!

Picture Books

Three Little Vikings” by Bethan Woollvin

What do you do when no one is listening to you? Three little Viking girls are playing together when they hear a loud noise outside. They tell the chieftan there might be a monster outside, and he reassures them it was just a thunderstorm. Trees are uprooted, houses destroyed and the village’s treasure hoard stolen — all while the chieftan insists it’s just birds or wind or maybe foxes. Finally, the girls decide to take matters into their own hands. With bold illustrations and an empowering message about questioning authority, this is a fun, updated fairy tale. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: August Favorites 2022”

Brianna’s Books: July Favorites 2022

Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2022 by Brianna

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How’s your Summer Reading going? My nine month old son finished his pretty quick, but I still need to catch up. If you need some exciting new books to round out your summer, take a look at these!

Picture Books

Brush! Brush! Brush!” written by Douglas Florian and illustrated by Christiane Engel

I don’t usually highlight board books, but I wanted to bring this one to your attention! This book is perfect for toddlers that are learning how to brush their teeth. The illustrations are bright and exciting but simple enough that it’s easy to follow what’s happening. The text has a wonderful bouncy rhythm, repeating the end of each line. “Toothpaste on the / brush! brush! brush! / Take your time. / Don’t rush! rush! rush!” There’s excellent tooth-brushing advice for every step of the process, delivered with charm and verve. My little boy doesn’t have teeth yet, but we’ll definitely be checking this book out when the time comes! Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: July Favorites 2022”