2015 Missouri Building Blocks: Bear Sees Colors

Posted on Thursday, October 22, 2015 by Kristy

Book cover for Bear Sees ColorsThe Building Block nomineeBear Sees Colors” by Karma Wilson allows readers accompany Bear and Mouse on a beautiful stroll through the forest. Along the way they visit their furry friends and discover some of the dazzling colors that nature has to offer. The vivid and charming illustrations practically burst from the pages, and the look-and-find aspect encourages children to thoroughly examine the book to find the colors Bear and Mouse are focusing on.

Continue reading “2015 Missouri Building Blocks: Bear Sees Colors”

2015 Missouri Building Blocks: Row, Row, Row Your Boat by Jane Cabrera

Posted on Thursday, October 15, 2015 by Jerilyn

Book cover for Row, Row, Row Your BoatHave you ever taken a song and added your own words? Jane Cabrera does this with “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”  As her characters row down the stream, they spot a variety of animals, each making a noise. Have your child make the noise, too. Animal noises are a fun way to practice sounds. This is an early literacy skill—something that lays a foundation for reading readiness.

Children love to move. You and your child could sit on the floor, bottoms of your feet touching the bottoms of his feet. Hold hands and gently pull back and forth as you “row” and sing the song.

Your child could act out the story by pretending that a box or a laundry basket is a boat.  Does she have some stuffed animals she could set beside the “boat” and tell her own story? This activity helps with narrative skills and reading comprehension.

Continue reading “2015 Missouri Building Blocks: Row, Row, Row Your Boat by Jane Cabrera”

2015 Missouri Building Blocks: Buddy and the Bunnies in Don’t Play With Your Food

Posted on Thursday, October 8, 2015 by Katie

Book cover for Buddy and the Bunnies in: Don’t Play With Your FoodOne of this year’s Missouri Building Block nominees is “Buddy and the Bunnies in: Don’t Play With Your Food” by Bob Shea. This is a fun story about a monster named Buddy who really wants to eat the bunnies living nearby.  However, the bunnies have other ideas. They would rather bake cupcakes, go swimming and visit the carnival. What’s a monster like Buddy to do when his “snack” is so much fun to be with?

Here are some ways you can keep the fun going:

Write or act out your own story.

  • What would you do if a monster was trying to eat you?
  • How would you make friends with a monster?
  • What are some fun activities you and your friends have done over the summer?

Create your own monster or bunny – either on paper or as a costume. Continue reading “2015 Missouri Building Blocks: Buddy and the Bunnies in Don’t Play With Your Food”

Chilling Children’s Books

Posted on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 by Kristy

October is finally here, which  means that it’s the perfect time to curl up with some candy corn in one hand and a Halloween-themed book in the other. We have recently acquired several new scary and not-so-scary eBooks for children, and we invite you to browse through these spooky stories.

Here are some spook-tacular new Halloween-themed eBooks you can access through Overdrive.

Cover image for Boo!

Boo” by Leslie Patricelli Continue reading “Chilling Children’s Books”

Fall for Some Great Rhymes

Posted on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 by Kristy

I absolutely love this time of year when we dust off our hoodies and the enchanting smell Pumpkins in a fieldof pumpkin spiced lattes permeates the air. Fall is a beautiful time of change, and one thing we should consider changing up is our repertoire of rhymes. Rhyming is essential to early literacy skills, and it’s fun to practice new rhymes with children as one season transitions into another. Here are some delightful fall rhymes to get you started. Continue reading “Fall for Some Great Rhymes”

Our Super Summer!

Posted on Thursday, August 27, 2015 by Johnathan

Spider-man librarian
Your friendly Spider-man Librarian

Thanks to all our patrons for making this summer such a memorable one. “Every Hero Has a Story” has been one of our more popular Summer Reading themes, and kids, parents and employees showed their enthusiasm at all our branches.

Below are some favorite memories from this summer. What are your favorite moments? Continue reading “Our Super Summer!”

Bring the Ocean to You!

Posted on Thursday, July 9, 2015 by Mikayla McLean

Under the OceanSummer is heating up, and unfortunately for us, mid-Missouri is about a thousand miles away from the nearest sunny ocean beach. But the library is here to help! Check out these books about the ocean and all the creatures that inhabit it.

Under the Ocean” by Anouck Boisrobert is a beautiful pop-up book that takes a look at life above and below the surface of the ocean. As readers open the book, the delicate and detailed pop-ups open out and divide the pages between what’s above the surface – boats, fishermen and  icebergs – and what’s below – schools of fish, coral reefs and scuba divers. Continue reading “Bring the Ocean to You!”