Brianna’s Books: February Favorites 2024

Posted on Monday, February 5, 2024 by Brianna

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I’m back and I’m excited to share with you all some of the new books coming out this month! As always, if you prefer reading or listening digitally, check the catalog after the book’s publication date to see if we have the eBook or e-audiobook.

Picture Books

coverWhat’s New, Daniel?” written and illustrated by Micha Archer

Alright, I know that it’s not actually spring yet. But we can still prepare for it! Daniel is visiting the park with his grandfather, and Grandpa asks him what’s new. As adults, we’re used to casually using phrases like this, but Daniel takes the question very literally and ventures out into the park to seek an answer. Daniel finds new baby ducklings, a snake with new skin, and tadpoles with new legs as well as many other springtime discoveries. As he reports back to Grandpa, he adds his own new developments, like the ability to whistle and a new tooth. The vibrant acrylic and collage illustrations joyfully herald spring and will likely inspire other young nature lovers — it’s the perfect book to enjoy as we’re finishing out winter. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: February Favorites 2024”

My Love of Loose Parts Play

Posted on Monday, January 1, 2024 by Laura W

Examples of loose parts including rocks, buttons, Tupperware, spoons, cardboard tubes, beads, grass, beans, branches, popsicle sticks and yarn.

It is almost impossible to avoid the message that products equal happiness. We are inundated with advertisements that promise health, happiness and everything in between, if only we buy what they’re selling. However, in my years of working with children, I have found that the best learning comes from the most unexpected places. You don’t always have to buy fancy new toys for your kids to have a fun time full of learning opportunities. This is where loose parts come into play. Continue reading “My Love of Loose Parts Play”

Handprint Calendar 2024

Posted on Monday, December 4, 2023 by Laura W

Handprint Calendar 2024. Background is 4 images of handprint mittens, turkey, tree, and a cardinal.

I don’t know about all of you, but 2023 has flown by for me. I have definitely felt the truth behind this wonderful quote from Gretchen Rubin: “The days are long but the years are short.”

Being (miraculously) at the end of 2023 means it’s time for us to bring back our handprint calendar once again! These calendars can be wonderful personalized gifts for loved ones. They can also serve as heartfelt mementos. If you decorate a calendar every year, you’ll have a beautiful way of showing your child’s growth through the years. If you can, continue your collection. But remember, it’s never too late to start. Continue reading “Handprint Calendar 2024”

Brianna’s Books: October Favorites 2023

Posted on Monday, October 2, 2023 by Brianna

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It’s time to settle into the wonderful fall weather and get cozy with a good book! Whether you’re reading under a snuggly blanket or sitting outside in the crisp air and sunshine, these new books will be perfect companions. This will be my last blog for a little while, so enjoy and I’ll see you again next year with some winter releases!

Picture Books

Turbo's Special Delivery coverTurbo’s Special Delivery” written by Jean Reagan and illustrated by Eduardo Marticorena

I’m a little biased about this one because I have a toddler who loves trucks. Turbo is a delivery truck who loves to drive FAST! But today he has a very special delivery, and his supervisor tells him he needs to be extra careful with it. That means no zooming or zigging or zagging on the road. Turbo sets off at his usual speed before remembering to slow down. When he does, he’s bemused to see other cars actually passing him, but he’s delighted to notice the beautiful countryside and fresh air on his windshield. This is a reassuring example for little ones who want to go go go! Not only is it possible to rein yourself in, but there are definite benefits beyond just the approval of the grown-ups. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: October Favorites 2023”

Brianna’s Books: September Favorites 2023

Posted on Monday, September 4, 2023 by Brianna

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Whether you’re longing for the cooler days and cozy sweaters ahead of us, or clinging to our last days of summer, take some time out to enjoy these new books! As a bonus, while I was writing this, an accidental theme emerged. Other than the first book, it lines up purrfectly!

Picture Books

Don't Worry, Wuddles coverDon’t Worry, Wuddles” by Lita Judge

Wuddles is a delightfully fluffy sheep, with an overenthusiastic duckling for a friend. The duckling realizes that winter is coming and it may get cold, so their solution is to fashion a scarf from Wuddles’ wool. The duckling is so excited about the plan that it forgets to ask Wuddles for permission, and the pattern continues when the duckling spots a rooster that might get a cold head this winter. Same with the rabbit who needs earmuffs, and the goat who needs leg warmers. The duckling obliviously chatters on about its good thinking and generosity, all while poor Wuddles’ wool supply dwindles. This makes for a very fun read-aloud and would be a great opportunity to talk with little ones about being sensitive to other people’s needs and feelings, even when they don’t speak up. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: September Favorites 2023”

Recipes for Fun: Ribbon Pulls

Posted on Monday, August 14, 2023 by Kristy

Have you seen our Recipes for Fun videos? We have 24 videos with our favorite activities for you to try at home. Check them all out here!

In the video below, librarian Megan will show you how to make ribbon pulls to help your child explore different textures and sounds while developing fine motor skills. Have fun!

Brianna’s Books: August Favorites 2023

Posted on Monday, August 7, 2023 by Brianna

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I’ve got a nice mix of books for you this month! Family and empathy, swimming  and an adrenaline-packed, weeklong dragon race — there’s something for everyone to enjoy in our last full month of summer.

Picture Books

There's Always Room for One More coverThere’s Always Room for One More” written by Robyn McGrath and illustrated by Ishaa Lobo 

Clare is looking forward to Grandpa moving in with their family, until Mama declares that this means the family will need a bigger table. Clare loved her old table, which was just right for homework and family breakfasts. The bigger table arrives and the family and neighbors help to clean and sand it, and Clare starts feeling overwhelmed and missing the old table. Mama gently points out that Grandpa might be feeling a little overwhelmed too about leaving his old home. Clare and Mama work together to make Grandpa’s favorite dessert to welcome him with a big party where she understands that a new table means plenty of room for new memories. This is a wonderful celebration of family and navigating change. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: August Favorites 2023”

Sing Along: Bumpin’ Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon

Posted on Monday, July 31, 2023 by Kristy

Have you seen our Music and Movement videos? We have nearly 100 videos with our favorite rhymes, songs, chants and fingerplays. Check them all out here!

Here’s a song that’s fun for both littles and their adults. Get ready to sing and bounce around with this silly tune called “Bumpin’ Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon.”


Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon,

Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon,

Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon,

Won’t you be my darling?


(Want to sing some more? Add other verses: getting a hug, clapping our hands, giving a kiss, etc.)

Brianna’s Books: May Favorites 2023

Posted on Thursday, May 4, 2023 by Brianna

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I tend to be drawn to a lot of fantasy books, and I freely admit it! But this time, I’ve kept myself to contemporary realism. No spells or superpowers or talking animals, just real people in real situations. Okay, the virtual reality graphic novel might be skirting the line, but I still get points for trying.

Picture Books

Big coverBig” written and illustrated by Vashti Harrison

This could easily be one of the most important books we read this year. The book opens with an adorable baby girl, who has a big laugh, a big heart and big dreams. She learns and grows, and adults exclaim over what a big girl she is. Being a big girl is an exciting aspiration when you’re little, but eventually it’s no longer a good thing. Soon it’s, “Aren’t you too big for that?” and suddenly you’re not fitting into costumes or swings or with the other kids. As the little girl is bombarded with cruel words, both unthinking and intentional, she withdraws until she finds the courage to love and accept herself. The author’s note shares her own experience of being “in the crosshairs of adultification bias and anti-fat bias” and offers hope and love to all other children that may be going through the same thing. Known as an illustrator, Harrison’s artwork is absolutely perfect, and the story itself is one that everyone needs to hear. Continue reading “Brianna’s Books: May Favorites 2023”

Sink the Egg Challenge

Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2023 by Katie

Now is the time of year when plastic eggs become widely available in stores, and they also reemerge from under beds, the back of the closet or the top shelf of the garage. In some households, these eggs are filled with treats by adults, and hidden for children to find. Other households hide the eggs outside multiple times and decide who can find the most. This year I found a STEM challenge that can be done indoors, with less risk of losing the eggs. 

This challenge is about guessing (or hypothesizing) whether the item you place in the plastic egg will make the egg sink.  

For this game, you will need the following supplies: 

  • Plastic eggs 
  • Water
  • Container to hold water (mixing bowl, sink, bucket)
  • Assorted items that fit into an egg (see ideas below)
  • Optional: paper and pencil

I suggest having your items for inside the eggs preselected and ready before you and your child begin experimenting. I organized my items in a muffin tin. If your eggs have holes, cover those with tape to make water-tight seal.

Continue reading “Sink the Egg Challenge”