The theme for this year’s Summer Reading program encourages you to seek out a new adventure, whether that’s in the pages of a book, in your local park or farther afield. Before summer is here, we want your help to tell others about the program!
Use your creative skills to design a bookmark based on the theme, “Adventure Begins at Your Library.” We’ll print the winning bookmarks and share them at our libraries and on our website.
Your artwork must be original and two-dimensional, but you can use any medium you want, from crayons and markers to a computer. Photography is also acceptable, as long as it is your own. Only one entry per person.
All ages are welcome to participate. Enter by Friday, April 5, 2024.
Submit the entry form with your design to the Callaway County, Columbia, Holts Summit or Southern Boone County Public Libraries or the bookmobile.
You may also mail your entry to:
Children’s Team
Daniel Boone Regional Library
P.O. Box 1267
Columbia, MO 65205