The Gift of Information: Newspapers!

Posted on Monday, December 18, 2023 by Sew Happy

This holiday season, do you want to play the best party game ever with friends and family? Or perhaps, as if giving them a gift, show them a wonderful aspect of our online library that they may not know about? Teach them how to read major publications such as the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal for free. Just sit down with their library cards and laptops or tablets and show them all the awesome things this post will teach you how to do.

Yes, first you need to learn how to do this yourself. So grab your own library library card, a cup of tea and let’s get to exploring DBRL’s online resources.

New York Times Recent & US Major Dailies

I want you to go to, our website. Notice the green menu bar that runs across the page. Tap on Research & Learn, find the Topics column and finally tap onto Articles & Newspapers.

Continue your search by clicking on New York Times Recent & US Major Dailies. Log in with your library card and PIN (your birthdate in MMDDYYYY format). A search page comes up. Just above the search field are publication types; if you are searching for a topic and don’t care which newspaper it is in, find Newspapers under all source types, then fill in the search field and hit enter. All articles from all newspapers will come up in the result list. You click on an article title to get a summary and then on the Full Text – PDF button to read the article.

If you only want to read one newspaper, look at the top of the search page for a link to publications. Type the newspaper you want to read on the publications search page and hit enter. From the result list look for the one that has full text coverage through to the present.

Clicking on this will bring up the published articles from the current issue; you can also select to view an earlier issue. To the right of any article are options for emailing or saving or citing it as well as related articles and additional search terms you may want to explore.

This particular resource gives you access to 10 different databases and only one of those contains newspapers, which are the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. These are text-based articles only unless you are looking at the historical records of digitized newspapers. If you find yourself looking at scholarly journals and dissertations, check your filters to be sure only newspapers is selected.

Other Resources in the Topic Guide

The Kansas City Star Collection and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Collection have current newspaper articles in text form or you can view the entire paper just as if you held it in front of you. It’s a bit difficult, in my opinion, to read on your phone, although the image interface does allow you to zoom in and out. I use my computer screen so I’m reading the paper as if it was a paper copy with the ads, the images and the adjoining articles, and I feel the experience is more interesting.

Newsbank brings us local papers such as the Columbia Daily Tribune, Boone County Journal and Fulton Sun, as well as The Kansas City Star and St. Louis Post-Dispatch collections. Again, you miss the pictures and the ads and it is not the same experience as holding the paper in your hands. No comics or crosswords! The community aspect of reading a newspaper online isn’t there, either, but accessing the local papers via these resources will keep you up with local news.

By the way, the Columbia Missourian is not mentioned in the previous resource because it has made its archives open and you can search there at any time. I learned that from a journalism student.

That is a quick introduction to just a few of our resource databases. Others provide you with articles from newspapers: Academic Search Elite brings you results from full-text journal articles for most academic areas for the teen and adult researcher; Explora provides our younger patrons with articles and facts for research papers, class projects, or homework from the world’s leading magazines and reference books.

More About Topic Guides and Resources

It is fairly easy to move between our list of topic guides and the list of resources. Just use the green boxes that are visible on any of the pages in this section of the website. But what is the difference between the two categories?

Our resources are databases for which we have paid licensing fees so you have to have an active library card and live in our service area. It is a long list! Learn history, languages, arts, how to repair a car, what stocks are worth, read newspapers and books (both adult and children!), have a book read out loud to you, prepare for your driver’s exam, prepare to get a job, a GED, a will… the opportunities go on and on. Some of them, like Ancestry, have to be used in the library because of licensing requirements. Some of them, like Chilton Automotive Repair, is more convenient to use in the library as we have larger paper for printing out schematics, although you can use them at home or on the road. Each item on this page is a separate resource.

Our topic guides are a mix of free resources and resources that require a library card. And while I’ve covered the first one, Articles & Newspapers, I highly encourage you to look at others. These have been curated to ensure the information is appropriate. The links are checked regularly to ensure they are still active. Explore such topics as Arts, Hobbies and Recreation, Cars and Driving, Government and Genealogy and much more.

We would love for you to stop by any of our branches if you would like some help using these resources. Additionally, the Columbia Public Library offers Device Advice twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, from 2-3:30 p.m.

Remember when I mentioned at the start of this post that this could be the best party game ever? It’s fun to explore; I personally have shown people how to use these resources many times and I love the pleasure and empowerment people experience as they realize what is available to them with the click of a few buttons — and their library cards, of course. I’ve opened my phone at the dining table, the grocery store and even at an estate sale to show people how to use their online resources. I hope that with this article I’ve encouraged you, too, to use your public library to your best and full advantage.

Helping Kids Understand Dementia

Posted on Friday, December 8, 2023 by Ida

I first heard of Alzheimer’s disease at age thirteen, when my father’s uncle moved in with my grandmother, next door to us. We quickly realized why he could no longer live alone. His diminishing memory meant he needed someone to remind him how to dress for the weather and when it was time to brush his teeth. If my grandmother needed to run errands, someone from my household would stay with her brother to keep him safe.

Many kids have relationships with grandparents or other adults who are experiencing some form of dementia. It can be a confusing situation for a child, wondering why the grownup they love can’t do the same things anymore or why they ask the same questions over and over. As with so many of life’s struggles, books can help. Continue reading “Helping Kids Understand Dementia”

Winter Is Coming!

Posted on Monday, November 20, 2023 by MaggieM

A man hiking along a board walk through a forest with fall colors.
The overlook trail at Eagle Bluffs conservation area has beautiful fall foliage and the bare trees in the winter offer views you can’t get in the summer.

The daily temperatures have finally dropped and the leaves are turning and falling. Whether  you love it (that’s me) or hate it, fall is here and winter is on it’s way.

Here are some ideas to help you make the best of winter (and fall). Continue reading “Winter Is Coming!”

Veteran’s Day Stories

Posted on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 by Sew Happy

Veterans Day is November 11, the recognized date that we as a nation pay tribute to the men and women who have served in the armed forces. It is a time to honor and express our gratitude to those who have defended our freedoms, protected our way of life, and often sacrificed much for the greater good. It is a day to remember their valor, their dedication and their unwavering commitment. Veterans Day was originally known as Armistice Day and was established on November 11, 1919, to commemorate the end of World War I. This conflict, often referred to as the “war to end all wars,” was a devastating global conflict that changed the course of history. Armistice Day was a day to remember those who had served and the profound importance of peace. In 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day, reflecting a broader recognition of all veterans, not just those of World War I. It now serves as a day to honor and thank all American veterans for their service.

I am not a veteran. Despite living with a veteran for 40 years, I am sometimes jarringly reminded that I do not fully understand how his service affected him, how his lived experiences differ from my own. Would we have a more consistent and visible compassion for our veterans if we were more aware of those experiences? Maybe. Helping people grow and learn are some of the things public libraries do best, so let’s take a look at some books written by veterans and people working with veterans. Let’s become more aware of their stories. Continue reading “Veteran’s Day Stories”

The History of the Jack-o’-Lantern

Posted on Monday, October 23, 2023 by Sew Happy

As leaves burst into their glorious autumn colors and as pumpkins begin adorning doorsteps, it is a sure sign that Halloween is just around the corner. The last week of October, many people will perform the ritual carving of pumpkins giving them eerie, flickering faces, an iconic symbol of the holiday. But where did this tradition originate? Let’s dive into the fascinating history of the jack-o’-lantern and its evolution from folklore to a beloved Halloween tradition.

The name “jack-o’-lantern” is derived from “Jack of the Lantern” which refers to a mysterious figure known for carrying a flickering lantern to guide lost souls. Over time, the name was associated with the practice of carving faces into vegetables and placing candles inside to create a similar, eerie glow.

The Legend of Stingy Jack

The Halloween Jack-o-latern book cover One of the most prevalent origin stories of the jack-o’-lantern is tied to the legend of Stingy Jack. This tale tells of a man named Jack who was not only a trickster but also miserly. As one version of the story goes, Jack invited the Devil to have a drink with him but cleverly avoided paying by convincing the Devil to transform into a coin. Instead of paying, Jack pocketed the coin next to a silver cross, preventing the Devil from returning to his original form. Continue reading “The History of the Jack-o’-Lantern”

Let Freedom Read!

Posted on Monday, September 25, 2023 by Reading Addict

Banned Books Week“If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.” ― Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the United States

Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe book coverAll Boys Aren't Blue by George Johnson book coverBanned Books Week is upon us once again: October 1-7. The theme chosen this year by the American Library Association (ALA) is “Let Freedom Read” with the slogan “Free People Read Freely.” I love this theme. I love freedom. And really, who doesn’t? Some of our greatest leaders have supported the idea of the freedom to read. President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave a commencement address at Dartmouth University on June 14, 1953 in which he said “Don’t join the book burners. Don’t think you’re going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don’t be afraid to go in [sic] your library and read every book…” And from across the aisle, upon signing the amendment to the Library Services Act February 11, 1964, Lyndon B Johnson said “The central fact of our times is this: Books and ideas are the most effective weapons against intolerance and ignorance.” Continue reading “Let Freedom Read!”

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

Posted on Friday, September 15, 2023 by Sew Happy

During  National Recovery Month  we celebrate the achievements of people who are overcoming issues with substances and mental health. Recovery Month helps spread the word about better ways to treat and recover based on evidence. It encourages the growth of a strong and proud community of people who are in recovery. We also give credit to the professionals and community members all over the country who play a big role in supporting recovery in its different forms.

While each of our buildings and our digital library has local and national resources and information for you, I want to remind you that we are also a repository of stories. People telling their experiences with the hopes of inspiring you. In recognition of Recovery Month, let’s take a look at memoirs that represent recovery, treatment, family and community. Continue reading “National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month”

Memory Café at Your Library

Posted on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 by Ida

Studies have shown that loneliness increases the risk and severity of dementia. Unfortunately, the condition can too often lead to social isolation. But your library can help.

The Daniel Boone Regional Library Vision Statement reads, “DBRL strives to be at the heart of the community, a trusted resource and partner known for excellence, creativity and open, equitable access, connecting every person to opportunities for a lifetime of discovery, learning and joy.” Nobody ages out of library services, and the goal of access for everyone continues with changing life circumstances, including a diagnosis of dementia.  Continue reading “Memory Café at Your Library”

September Crafternoon: Button and Bead Mosaics

Posted on Friday, September 1, 2023 by cs

button and bead mosaic on dark blue backgroundDuring the Depression, many people saved buttons, collars, and even zippers from clothes they couldn’t use anymore. Usable pieces of cloth were often sewn together to make a different item of clothing. These button collections have often been passed down through the generations. I received many buttons and lace collars when a family member passed and used some to make clothing for my children when they were small (however, now that they are in their 20s, I don’t think they would be very interested in my homemade creations). Recently, I came across a great activity for our September Crafternoon: button and bead mosaics. All supplies will be provided, but we welcome you to bring any buttons, beads and small pieces of jewelry/mementos you might want to use.

Join us on Thursday, September 14 from 2 -4 p.m. in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library. This program is for adults and registration is required — register early as craft classes fill quickly.

For more ideas on decorating with buttons and beads, check out these library resources. You can also explore Creativebug, which is our database on arts and crafts activities. You can view tons of creative ideas with instructional videos and more are added monthly! You will need your library card and pin (your birthdate in MMDDYYYY format) to use this database.

Stay tuned for our October Crafternoon in the library’s program guide, website and social media!

Songs for the In-Between II

Posted on Monday, August 28, 2023 by Karena

These are some more CDs I’ve been keeping in rotation as I put off replacing the dysfunctional AUX cord in my car. Thanks to the library, I always have an album accompanying me from point A to point B 🙂. What are you listening to in the in-between?

Smino “Luv 4 Rent” (2022)

Luv4Rent album coverWhen to Listen: Embarking on a day you’re not sure you’ll get through (a long shift, a difficult visit, a first meeting); on the way back home, when you remember how most things are survivable (enjoyable, even, when you rely on the people around you and let them rely on you, too).

Feels Like: Coffee in the evening. A good hair day. Telling your friend a sad story, realizing it’s kind of funny (They’re laughing, and now you’re laughing, and it doesn’t really matter why).

Favorite Lyric: “Not too great at relationships / At least I try” (“90 Proof” ft. J. Cole)

From the Artist: “This whole album… it’s about having fun and recognizing your inner love, you feel me? Straight up self-love vibe” (Apple Music). Continue reading “Songs for the In-Between II”