If you’re a music fan and want to dig further behind the music, there are always a lot of great books to read. But if you want to hear the people behind the music and see their process, nothing can beat a documentary. Check out these documentary series that explore different aspects of music history.
“Soundbreaking” (2016)
The eight-part series explores the art of music recording and offers a behind-the-scenes look at the birth of brand new sounds. Featuring more than 160 original interviews with some of the most celebrated recording artists of all time, “Soundbreaking” explores the nexus of cutting-edge technology and human artistry that has created the soundtrack of our lives.
“Jazz” (2000)
Jazz has been called the purest expression of American democracy; a music built on individualism and compromise, independence and cooperation. Ken Burns’ 10 episode series follows the growth and development of jazz music from the gritty streets of New Orleans to Chicago’s south side, the speakeasies of Kansas city and to Times Square.
“The History of Rock & Roll” (1995)
This 10-part documentary covers rock ‘n’ roll history from its humble beginnings in the ’50s to Lollapalooza in the ’90s. Fans can experience their favorite rock ‘n’ roll moments all over again through hundreds of exclusive interviews, classic footage and unforgettable in-concert performances from rock ‘n’ roll’s biggest stars.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying is a situation familiar to many, but may not be fully understood by everyone. What does it feel like to be bullied? What can be done to stop the situation? Check out these docs that examine the issue of bullying.
“Bully” (2013)
This is a character-driven documentary following five kids and families over the course of a school year. Provides an intimate and often shocking glimpse into homes, classrooms, cafeterias and principals’ offices. You can also check out the companion book to the film in our collection.
“A Brave Heart” (2016)
Follows the inspiring journey of 26-year-old, 58-pound Lizzie from cyber-bullying victim to anti-bullying activist. Born with a rare syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight, Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Velasquez was bullied as a child in school for looking different and, later online, as a teenager.
“Bully 911” (2006)
This informational DVD is designed to make children feel considerably more confident when coping with bullies by teaching them the tools to escape without getting hurt. Includes a bonus feature with an extensive forum on bullies that addresses all issues of bullying with parents, kids and child psychologists.
Some journalists cover stories in hostile environments, putting their lives at risk on a daily basis. How do they carry out their jobs in such dangerous locales, and how does their journalism help society? Check out these docs featuring reporters doing high-risk journalism. Continue reading “Dangerous Inquiries: Docs Featuring High-Risk Journalism”

Humans remove animals from their natural environment for many reasons. Sometimes it is to try an experiment, or for entertainment, or because they are endangered. Whatever the reasons, the way the animals react to this change is not always predictable. Check out these docs about animals out of their natural habitat.
“Project Nim” (2012)
The story of Nim, the chimpanzee who became the focus of a landmark 1970s experiment to show that an ape could learn to communicate with language if raised and nurtured like a human child. Project Nim uncovers the unflinching and extraordinary journey of one animal thrust into human society. Continue reading “Out of the Wild: Docs With Animals Out of Their Natural Habitat”
The film site IndieWire recently collected a list of the 25 Best Documentaries of the 21st Century. We have all of them at DBRL, but please note that there are a few that are on order at the moment. Here’s the full list:
25. “All These Sleepless Nights” (2016)
24. “No Home Movie” (2016)
23. “Amy” (2015)
22. “Kedi” (2016) Continue reading “The 25 Best Documentaries of the 21st Century”
Sometimes the justice system works fine, putting guilty people behind bars. But at times the system can also fail, and the wrong person has to pay the price for another’s crime. Check out these documentaries featuring stories of the wrongly convicted. Continue reading “It Wasn’t Me: Docs About the Wrongly Convicted”
Many musicians start out small and rise to be successful, but that process is not always captured on film. Check out these documentaries featuring musicians rising from obscurity.

“Breaking a Monster” (2015)
Three grade schoolers spend their weekends playing heavy metal/speed punk in Times Square as Unlocking the Truth. After the band achieves internet fame, the boys are confronted with the realities that come with being rock stars. The documentary chronicles their first year, as the band enters the very adult world of touring, managers and contracts.
Continue reading “Way to the Top: Docs Featuring Musicians Rising From Obscurity”

The idea of humorless scientists who wear white coats and carry clipboards is a media stereotype that isn’t always accurate. Take a look at these documentaries to see a variety of modern scientists who don’t conform to this typical stereotype as they follow their quests to understand our world.
“Particle Fever” (2013)
Follow six scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, marking the start-up of the biggest and most expensive experiment in the history of the planet. As they seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe, 10,000 scientists join forces in pursuit of a single goal: to recreate conditions that existed just moments after the Big Bang and find the Higgs boson. Continue reading “White Coats Optional: Docs Featuring Scientists”
We’ve compiled a list of previous documentaries available at DBRL from the directors who are presenting films at the upcoming True/False Film Fest. Check out their old films before you attend the fest for their new films!
Alma Har’el
True/False 2017 film: “LoveTrue”
Past film as director: “Bombay Beach”
Amir Bar-Lev
True/False 2017 film: “Long Strange Trip”
Past film as director: “Happy Valley,” “The Tillman Story,” “My Kid Could Paint That” Continue reading “Previous Docs From True/False 2017 Directors”
The Star Wars film franchise has been an influential cultural force ever since the first film came out in 1977. Check out these documentaries about various aspects of the franchise and its effect on generations of fans.
“Elstree 1976” (2016)
In 1976, during the hottest summer on record, “Star Wars” was shot in suburban North London. Nobody involved had any idea how big the film would become, and many couldn’t even remember the title. Yet, for actors in smaller roles, this job would go on to color their lives, even four decades later. Continue reading “May The Film Crew Be With You: Docs About Star Wars”