August 2017 LibraryReads: Top 10 Books Librarians Love

Posted on Friday, July 21, 2017 by Kat

LibraryReads logoThe heat as of late gives us the perfect excuse to sit inside and read, and with these new titles, I can think of nothing else I’d rather be doing. August brings us thrillers, robots, reincarnation and love, among other things. Check out this month’s LibraryReads: the top 10 books librarians across the country recommend.

Young Jane Young book coverYoung Jane Young” by Gabrielle Zevin

“Aviva Grossman was involved in a relationship with her boss, who just happened to be a member of Congress. She becomes ostracized as her name is associated with scandal and  reinvents herself as Jane Young.  She has a daughter, Ruby, who decides to run away to look for her father. Ruby learns things are not always what they seem. I loved Zevin’s engaging style. The characters are flawed and real. You are rooting for them until the end.”
~Audra Bartholomew, Bossier Parish Library, Bossier City, LA Continue reading “August 2017 LibraryReads: Top 10 Books Librarians Love”

The Gentleman Recommends: Maile Meloy

Posted on Monday, July 17, 2017 by Chris

Because it is a page-turner, Maile Meloy’sDo Not Become Alarmed” is the sort of novel often recommended to beach goers. This makes sense, because people on beaches need novels that distract them from the ever-present threat of sharks, the maddening bites of sand fleas and the absurd slow-motion jogging of lifeguards. What else, but an utterly absorbing novel, could make time spent on a beautiful beach endurable?

Unfortunately for beach goers who choose “Do Not Become Alarmed” as their distraction from their sandy reprieve from reality, the novel is set during a traumatic vacation. Fortunately for those readers, it is the sort of gripping read that will make them forget all about the hungry horrors lurking beyond the water’s edge. Continue reading “The Gentleman Recommends: Maile Meloy”

Book Buzz: Finding Your Next Great Read!

Posted on Monday, July 10, 2017 by Anne

photo of hands holding a book openThe dog days of summer are upon us, and I can’t think of a better way to spend them than with a good book. Sometimes, though, finding that good read can feel next to impossible. We at the library are always happy to help you solve your “what-to-read-next blues,” and so we are especially excited to invite you to a special Book Buzz event this Saturday, July 15 at 1 p.m. in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library.

Stop by the Book Buzz for a number of ways you can discover your next great read: Continue reading “Book Buzz: Finding Your Next Great Read!”

Literary Links: O Canada! Celebrating 150 Years

Posted on Sunday, July 9, 2017 by Dana S

This July, our northern neighbor celebrates its sesquicentennial, or 150th anniversary. The Dominion of Canada, formed on July 1, 1867, included the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Now 10 provinces and three territories strong, Canada will hold festive events nationwide to celebrate the event known as Canada 150. So how can you celebrate Canada’s rich heritage through literature? Let the library help!

Trip planners headed to Canada will want to check out an excellent pair of guides from National Geographic. Their Guide to the National Historic Sites of Canada” features the beautiful photography National Geographic is known for, and it details Canada’s 168 national historic sites, which include archaeological Guide to the National Historical Sites of Canada book coversites, battlegrounds, natural features and other heritage sites. Readers can take in the views of the Atlantic Ocean from Cape Spear, the easternmost point in North America, or head northwest to Dawson City — a town that played a significant role in the late-1800s Yukon Gold Rush. July is also National Parks Month in Canada, so you might want to check out National Geographic’s “Guide to the National Parks of Canada.” Readers can explore the country’s 46 national parks, from the majestic Columbia Mountains of Canada’s Glacier National Park in British Columbia to the breathtaking fjords and oceanic landscapes of Gros Morne in Newfoundland and Labrador. Canada’s natural landscapes have something for everyone to enjoy. Continue reading “Literary Links: O Canada! Celebrating 150 Years”

Debut Author Spotlight: June/July

Posted on Wednesday, July 5, 2017 by Katherine

Here’s a look at some of the most exciting books being published by first-time authors in June and July.

The Waking Land book cover

The Waking Land” by Callie Bates (June)

After her father’s failed rebellion against Caeris’s conquering kingdom of Eren, young Elanna is taken hostage to ensure her father abandons his treasonous plans. Raised by her father’s enemy, King Antoine, Elanna grows to love him and loses almost all connection to her family and her country. But when someone poisons the king and frames Elanna, she finds herself forced into an uneasy alliance with her father and reconnects with the nature magic she’s spent years repressing.

The Windfall” by Diksha Basu (June)The Windfall book cover

A modern Indian family discovers how difficult it can be to keep up with the Chopras. Anil Jha sells his company and moves his family to an upscale neighborhood and away from their cramped, but close-knit apartment complex in East Delhi. Soon Anil finds himself struggling to keep up appearances through increasingly extravagant purchases while his wife, Bindu, struggles to adapt to her luxurious new surroundings. Also affected by the Jhas’ upward mobility are their son, Rupak, who is studying for his MBA in America and a young widow from their former neighborhood. Continue reading “Debut Author Spotlight: June/July”

Nonfiction Roundup: July 2017

Posted on Monday, July 3, 2017 by Kirk


Here is a quick look at the most noteworthy nonfiction titles being released in July. Visit our catalog for a more extensive list.

Sons and Soldiers book coverSons and Soldiers: The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned With the U.S. Army to Fight Hitler” by Bruce Henderson

Drawing on veteran interviews and archival research, this account of the lesser-known contributions of the German-born, Jewish-American soldiers, known as the Ritchie Boys, describes how they risked their lives to join major combat units and gather crucial intelligence from German POWs.


American Fire book coverAmerican Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land” by Monica Hesse

This Washington Post reporter documents the trial of a man who was charged with dozens of counts of arson in rural Virginia county and shares insight into the perpetrator’s struggles with addiction, his relationship with his accomplice girlfriend and the impact of the fires on their community. Continue reading “Nonfiction Roundup: July 2017”

July LibraryReads: Top Ten Books Librarians Love

Posted on Friday, June 30, 2017 by Kat

LibraryReads logoThere are plenty of dystopian novels to read, but what about one from the point of view of an Amish farmer, who, after a solar storm, witnesses the downfall of society? Thrillers make great summer reading, and luckily there are a few new ones to check out. July also seems to be the month for books with “sister” in the title — such an interesting trend! Read on to find out the top ten books that librarians across the country recommend:

When the English Fall book coverWhen the English Fall” by David Williams

“’When the English Fall’ offers a new perspective on apocalyptic fiction, written from the point of view of an Amish farmer named Jacob. Part insight into Amish culture, part dystopian novel, the story follows the days leading up to a solar storm and its aftermath. Jacob lives a peaceful life with his family. As events unfold outside of the community, he becomes witness to his English neighbors’ unraveling. Jacob and his family, already accustomed to a life without modern conveniences, must decide what course of action they will take, and what assistance they will provide to their English neighbors.”
~Sara Kennedy, Delaware County District Library, Delaware, OH Continue reading “July LibraryReads: Top Ten Books Librarians Love”

Classics for Everyone: “The Dispossessed” by Ursula K. Le Guin

Posted on Friday, June 23, 2017 by Ida

The DispossessedIn the spirit of the Summer Reading theme “Build a Better World,” your Classics Maven has chosen to discuss a master literary world builder – Ursula K. Le Guin, winner of the Nebula and Hugo Awards for her 1974 science fiction book, “The Dispossessed.”

“The Dispossessed” is a book about walls: physical, psychological, social. The story begins with Shevek, a physicist from the moon colony Anarres, breaking seven generations of tradition by crossing the wall around the space port where ships come and go with cargo. This wall contains the only “No Trespassing” sign in all of Anarres, a utopian anarchist society where everything is shared. Continue reading “Classics for Everyone: “The Dispossessed” by Ursula K. Le Guin”

Read. Sip. Repeat. The Silent Book Club Is Here!

Posted on Monday, June 19, 2017 by Kat

photo of people reading on the subway

I love reading, and I adore talking to people about books. One would think that I would be perfect in a book club, and I would, expect for one little thing: I hate reading books that are assigned to me. There were books I was assigned in high school that I would have devoured, but because I had to read them, I read them begrudgingly.

One day, I was online reading about books (as one does), and came across the Silent Book Club. The idea is that people meet up once a month, bring their own books, chit chat a little about books and then read in silence. It’s great for busy folks who find it hard to carve out time to read, as well as readers who just don’t fit into the traditional book club mold. I saw that there wasn’t a chapter nearby, so I decided to start one! Continue reading “Read. Sip. Repeat. The Silent Book Club Is Here!”

June 2017 LibraryReads: Top Ten Books Librarians Love

Posted on Friday, June 16, 2017 by Kat

LibraryReads logoSure, the month halfway over, but it’s not too late to check out some of the newest books for June. Between a fantasy, a classic whodunit and a book perfect for my fellow bibliophiles, there is certainly something for everyone! Read on to see some of the favorite books from librarians across the country in this edition of LibraryReads.

The Waking LandThe Waking Land” by Callie Bates

“Lady Elanna Voltai flees her adopted homeland when the king, who raised her like a daughter, dies under mysterious circumstances and Elanna is accused of murder. Forced to return to the magical homeland of her birth and her estranged father who was branded a traitor for inciting rebellion, Elanna must come to terms with the life she left behind and her destiny. I loved watching Elanna find her voice and her strength, and the rich world of magic around her makes this story even more fantastic!”
-Jessica Perham, Schaumburg Township Library, Schaumburg, IL Continue reading “June 2017 LibraryReads: Top Ten Books Librarians Love”