Debut Author Spotlight: March 2022

Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 by Katherine

Here are a few of the most notable adult fiction debut novels coming out in March. These have all received positive reviews in library journals. For a longer list, please visit our catalog.

The Astronaut and the Star” by Jen Comfort

Astronaut Regina “Reggie” Hayes wants to be the first woman on the moon — it’s all she’s ever dreamed of. But after a PR disaster, Reggie is off the list for a lunar mission. To rehabilitate her reputation with NASA, she agrees to a different kind of assignment: astronaut “training” with a Hollywood action hero.

Jon Leo is a charmer. With credits that include an underperforming sitcom and a campy action flick called Space Dude, his upcoming role in a prestigious movie could prove he’s a star. But Jon isn’t just big muscles and an otherworldly smile — he’s also a total space nerd. He’s pumped about his own personal space camp … until he meets ice-cold Reggie.

Although Reggie and Jon are polar opposites, their mutual attraction is undeniable, and it only takes a few weeks in close quarters for them to give in to its magnetic force. Jon is set on convincing Reggie this is a match made in the heavens, but her future is in space, and his is among stars of the Hollywood kind. The odds of successfully launching a real relationship outside the confines of the training base are anything but optimal.

Reggie, content with keeping things casual, is forced by a sudden turn of events to confront the possibility of losing Jon forever. Now, she’ll do whatever it takes to win both the man and the moon.

Continue reading “Debut Author Spotlight: March 2022”

First Thursday Book Discussion: Fox and I

Posted on Monday, March 14, 2022 by cs

Fox and IFox and I: An Uncommon Friendship” is a memoir about the friendship between a solitary woman and a fox, for readers of Wild and H Is for Hawk. More comfortable in nature than among people, Catherine Raven worked as a National Park ranger, eventually earning a PhD in biology. She built a house on an isolated plot of land in Montana, teaching remotely and leading field classes. One day, she realized that the mangy-looking fox who had been appearing on her property was now showing up every day at 4:15 p.m. One day she brought out her camping chair, sat as close to him as she dared, and began reading to him from The Little Prince. “Fox and I” is a poignant and dramatic tale of friendship, transformation, and coping with inevitable loss — and of how that loss can become meaning. It is also the introduction of an original, imaginative, stunning literary voice. This discussion is geared for adults.  Please register for a Zoom link.

For more books in this subject area, try these.

Literary Links: Identity

Posted on Sunday, March 13, 2022 by Ida

When we’re born, we’re described by a name, a gender, a nationality, a race. We’re somebody’s child, sibling, cousin. But do any of these labels truly identify an individual, or is the authentic self something we discover within? Many authors have grappled with the existential quandary of what constitutes identity.

Book cover: She Who Became the Sun, Shelley Parker-ChanShe Who Became the Sun” by Shelley Parker-Chan is an alternate history about the founding of China’s Ming dynasty. In this intricately-plotted novel, two impoverished children, a sister and brother, are told their fortunes. The boy will achieve greatness, while the girl’s fate is simply “nothing.” But when the brother dies, his little sister assumes his name – Zhu Chongba – and enters a monastery as a boy, the first step on a rise to power.  Continue reading “Literary Links: Identity”

Quintessential Comics: DC Events!

Posted on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 by Josh

Hello, there, readers! Welcome back once again to Quintessential Comics! So, last issue we went ahead and covered a handful of Marvel’s most famous events. I thought it would be fun to do the same for DC Comics. So, here we are with another list of five events that have had a major impact on the DC universe! I don’t want to keep you all waiting, so here we go.

The Death of Superman

Death of Superman book coverThe Man of Steel. The Big Blue Boy Scout. The Man of Tomorrow. The Last Son of Krypton. Only a superhero as prolific as Superman could be so deserving as to have so many monikers. Since his debut in Action Comics in 1938, Kal-El has been and remains an ideal to strive towards for generations of readers. His unwavering sense of right and wrong inspires others. Plus, he’s got it all: Faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive. He’s even able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. What happens, though, when Superman comes face to face with a creature so powerful that even the combined efforts of the Justice League are not enough to thwart it? Quite the controversial story-line when it debuted in the 90’s, this graphic novel is now considered a landmark in Superman’s history as it’s not just about the hero’s strength or speed, but his ability to stand tall in the face of unbeatable odds. Continue reading “Quintessential Comics: DC Events!”

The Joys of Tracking Your Reading

Posted on Monday, February 28, 2022 by Alyssa

Maybe it’s your 2022 resolution to read more, read more diversely or Read Harder. Maybe you read so much that you have trouble remembering what you’ve already read. Maybe you just love creating organizational systems (in which case, let’s hang out and organize our bullet journals together). There are a lot of fun reasons and methods for tracking your reading.

Picture of bullet journal with book trackerOne thing that you may not know is that the library’s catalog is set up to help you to track your reading. Logging in with your library card number and PIN (your birthday, MMDDYYYY) at the top right corner of the catalog logs you into an account where you can track what you’ve read, what you’re reading, and what you want to read later. You can also create lists on any theme your heart desires, like books featuring taxidermy or the favorite books of your worst online dates, and you can choose to make your profile private or public and follow other people. It is not unlike apps such as Goodreads or Storygraph. Continue reading “The Joys of Tracking Your Reading”

First Thursday Book Discussion: A Visit with Peter Hessler

Posted on Monday, February 14, 2022 by cs

Country Driving book coverPlease join us for a live Zoom discussion of books by award-winning author Peter Hessler on Thursday, March 3 from 12-1 p.m. The author will join us for the first part of the discussion. Hessler’s books include “River Town,” “Oracle Bones,” “Country Driving” and “Strange Stones.” Come prepared to discuss a book of your choice. This program is geared towards adults.

Please register for a Zoom link.

Literary Links: Black Activists and Activism

Posted on Sunday, February 13, 2022 by Liz

February is Black History Month so I will be calling attention to some great books about and by Black activists. Highlighted below are activists young and old, from Amanda Gorman, who at 22-years-old became the youngest poet to read a poem at a presidential inauguration, to Ida B. Wells, who was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize almost 90 years after her death for her outstanding and courageous reporting on the horrific and vicious violence against African Americans during the era of lynching. There are also a couple great books that focus on the importance of activism in the African American community. 

For more than 50 years, Angela Y. Davis has been known for her political activism at the cutting edge of the black liberation, feminist, queer and prison abolitionist movements. Her life is beautifully illustrated in the newly updatedAngela Davis: An Autobiography,” which features a new introduction from Davis. Continue reading “Literary Links: Black Activists and Activism”

Poetry to Get You Through the Winter

Posted on Friday, February 11, 2022 by Ida

There’s never a bad time for poetry, but winter seems to be a season especially well-suited for contemplative reading. DBRL’s reading program, The Comforts of Winter, allows us to set our own goals. “Read a book of poetry” would be a good one.

Book cover: Call Us What We Carry, Amanda GormanAmanda Gorman has a new collection out: “Call Us What We Carry.” Some of the works in here are as uplifting as the one she read at President Biden’s inauguration, while others are more sobering. All of them plumb the depths. She does an amazing job with form — a poem about whaling shaped like a whale, for instance. A selection I re-read a couple of times was “Pan.” “Pandemic, meaning all people. / Pandemonium, meaning/ all demon. Pandora, / meaning all-gifted…” Continue reading “Poetry to Get You Through the Winter”

Nonfiction Roundup: February 2022

Posted on Monday, February 7, 2022 by Liz

Below I’m highlighting some nonfiction books coming out in February. All of the mentioned titles are available to put on hold in our catalog and will also be made available via the library’s Overdrive website on the day of publication in eBook and downloadable audiobook format (as available). For a more extensive list of new nonfiction books coming out this month, check our online catalog. Continue reading “Nonfiction Roundup: February 2022”

Winter Picture Books for Everyone

Posted on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 by Jerilyn

“Picture books are the campfire story of the reading world. They’re warm, they’re inviting, they’re the perfect stories to bring people together… Sometimes reading should be more about the experience, about taking a brief moment in time and sharing a story with a loved one, parent, or friend.” This wonderful quote came from the article Why I Will Never Stop Reading Picture Books with My Kid by Tom Burns. Continue reading “Winter Picture Books for Everyone”