Reader Review: Their Eyes Were Watching God

Posted on Thursday, July 25, 2019 by patron reviewer

Their Eyes Were Watching God book coverHurston’s 1937 novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God” is a classic work, and it contributed to the Harlem Renaissance. The novel follows the romantic life of Janie, who searches for a lasting love throughout her life. Janie marries three times and each of her relationships is unique, with none of her three husbands meeting her expectations or needs, but all in different ways. Janie is stubborn and determined, but faces expectations from her husbands and society in general to be more subservient to her men, something she wrestles with and even rebels against. The novel also explores African American life and culture in the early to mid-twentieth century. The setting of Eatonville, Florida, is based on Hurston’s own upbringing in this African American town. Eatonville was⁠ — and is — unique because it was a haven for African Americans in an era of segregation and white supremacy. Hurston also uses heavy dialect throughout the novel, which can be hard to read, but reflects her desire to highlight African American language and culture. The Harlem Renaissance is still often remembered as a time in which African American men flourished artistically, but Hurston’s work reminds us that African American women contributed to the arts as well.

Three words that describe this book: Historic, romance, African American culture

You might want to pick this book up if: You enjoy classic literature, especially from African American and/or women writers


Summer Reading in The Twilight Zone

Posted on Monday, July 22, 2019 by DBRL_Katie

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

    — Season 1 opening narration

We’re two weeks out from the close of Summer Reading, and the procrastinators among us may have just one or two tasks to complete before they can take that victory lap. In honor of both the 60th anniversary of the premiere and Jordan Peele‘s new reboot, here are a few ideas to take your Summer Reading into the fifth dimension, because who doesn’t appreciate a timely theme? Continue reading “Summer Reading in The Twilight Zone”

50th Anniversary: Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Posted on Friday, July 19, 2019 by Liz

Neil Armstrong posing in front of moon backdrop while in astronaut gear holding helmet

This is the second post celebrating the 50th anniversary of a big event to happen in 1969. I’m sharing some books and DVDs that focus on the Apollo 11 moon landing that happened on July 20, 1969. There are even more library materials on this topic than the few I’ve listed below. Check out this list for more suggestions!

On July 16, 1969 the Apollo 11 spacecraft, manned by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, launched from the Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex. Apollo 11 landed on the moon four days later July 20, 1969. This was the first mission to land men on the moon and the first return of samples from another planetary body. Continue reading “50th Anniversary: Apollo 11 Moon Landing”

Reader Review: Introverted Mom

Posted on Thursday, July 18, 2019 by patron reviewer

Introverted Mom book coverIntroverted Mom” was not only informational, on the topic of motherhood and introversion, but was also inspirational. Not only was it humorous and insightful, it opened my eyes to my own particular challenges and how to view them as gifts instead of burdens. Her encouragement and tips have given me fuel to embrace my introversion and taught me how to better meet my own needs so I can meet the needs of those who need me. I also enjoyed her look into the lives of some of my favorite women authors (Austen, Montgomery, Alcott) who were also purportedly introverted as well, and how they navigated their social and familial worlds with their special gifts. This is a book I will read and reread with pleasure, likely garnering new tidbits each time.

Three words that describe this book: Encouraging, humorous, insightful.

You might want to pick this book up if: You are a mom, a homeschooler, an introvert, or any combination of the the above, or know someone who is. In fact, I would suggest this would be a good read for husbands, whether introverted or extroverted, in understanding their introverted spouses better. Very easy to read and enjoyable!


Debut Author Spotlight: July 2019

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 by Katherine

Another month, another crop of exciting new books by debut authors! As always, for a longer list of books by debut authors, please visit our catalog.

The Vexations Book CoverThe Vexations” by Caitlin Horrocks

Erik Satie begins life with every possible advantage. But after the dual blows of his mother’s early death and his father’s breakdown upend his childhood, Erik and his younger siblings — Louise and Conrad — are scattered. Later, as an ambitious young composer, Erik flings himself into the Parisian art scene, aiming for greatness but achieving only notoriety.

As the years, then decades, pass, he alienates those in his circle as often as he inspires them, lashing out at friends and lovers like Claude Debussy and Suzanne Valadon. Only Louise and Conrad are steadfast allies. Together they strive to maintain their faith in their brother’s talent and hold fast the badly frayed threads of family. But in a journey that will take her from Normandy to Paris to Argentina, Louise is rocked by a severe loss that ultimately forces her into a reckoning with how Erik — obsessed with his art and hungry for fame — will never be the brother she’s wished for. Continue reading “Debut Author Spotlight: July 2019”

The Gentleman Recommends: R.O. Kwon

Posted on Monday, July 15, 2019 by Chris

The Incendiaries” by R.O. Kwon has already scored a bunch of plaudits, and, you might presume, that it, like many of my recommendations, isn’t in need of my recommendation. You’d be correct, but there is a devoted sect who wait for my monthly recommendation, refusing to read all else, waiting in front of the DBRL blog home page, their finger’s friction eroding their F5 key, until finally those sweet words light up the page and their eyes: “The Gentleman Recommends.” It is for these devoted followers that I recommend reading “The Incendiaries.”   Continue reading “The Gentleman Recommends: R.O. Kwon”

Literary Links: First Love

Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2019 by Alyssa

Love is a many-splendored thing. And first love, in particular, is splendidly awkward, uniquely devastating and often poorly timed. Whether it hits at age 16 or 60, and whether it ends in heartbreak or happily ever after, we only get one first love to live. Luckily, there are many, many first love stories to read! And I don’t think it matters whether you’re happily married, happily single or entrenched in the frog-kissing process — there’s nothing like escaping into a good first love story. Continue reading “Literary Links: First Love”

Reader Review: There There

Posted on Friday, July 12, 2019 by patron reviewer

There There book coverFollowing around 12 different characters through past and present, “There There” introduces dynamic and complex characters as they come from different lives, experiences and histories to arrive at the Big Oakland Pow Wow. Although difficult to follow at times with the wide range of characters, I loved this book as it is so necessary to make Native stories known and to seek out and amplify their voices and perspectives. It explores historical trauma and reveals how these characters grapple with their identity as urban Natives all while confronting erasure of that identity.

Three words that describe this book: shattering, poignant, important

You might want to pick this book up if: you would like to further understand and recognize urban Native identity and challenge your own perceptions by listening to Native voices


Reader Review: The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2019 by patron reviewer

Hundred Thousand Kingdoms book coverThe Hundred Thousand Kingdoms” follows Yeine, the young leader of a small, matriarchal nation, who is unexpectedly becomes a contender to take over as head of the family that controls the Hundred Thousand kingdoms — in other words, the whole mortal world. N.K. Jemisin uses all the best parts of fantasy while also deliberately challenging the failings of the genre — namely, the sexism, the lack of nuance, and the dearth of characters of color — creating something new and vital, and extremely readable.

Three words that describe this book: Groundbreaking, unflinching, engrossing

You might want to pick this book up if: You’re a fan of mythology. Lots of great lore and incredible world-building to be found here.
