How to Make Your Heart Happy

Posted on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 by Larkspur

heart-shaped jasper stone held in an open handWell, I wish that I could say this blog post was going to be a prescription, and, if followed, you would attain complete and utter uninterrupted emotional happiness, with your heart continuously effusing joy. Alas, the kind of “heart happy” addressed here is not that kind of happy, but the good health kind of happy (sorry if you’re disappointed!).

Dead Execs Don't Get Bonuses book coverFebruary is American Heart Month (conveniently teamed in the same month as Valentine’s Day, so you have a chance to wedge in a bit of short-term, romance-happy for your heart on the 14th). It’s a good time to take stock of how your heart is doing since heart disease (also called cardiovascular disease) is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. Did you know that annually, 1 in every 4 deaths is caused by heart disease? That’s 25% … shocking! Continue reading “How to Make Your Heart Happy”

The Gentleman Recommends: Kiese Laymon

Posted on Monday, January 30, 2017 by Chris

Kiese Laymon is the author of “Long Division,” a novel, and “How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America,” which is either a collection of essays or one of the more ghastly and unnecessary do-it-yourself books ever published. Due to time constraints, I’m unable to determine which. (Editor’s Note: It is a collection of essays.)

His essays have been published all over the internet. I encourage you to query his name in your internet search bar and read some of the results. Continue reading “The Gentleman Recommends: Kiese Laymon”

February 2017 Library Reads List: The Top 10 Books Librarians Love

Posted on Friday, January 27, 2017 by Kat

LibraryReads logoThe newest books releasing next month include a debut, some time travel, a little historical fiction, a local author (Alex George) and more. February’s Library Reads list is sure to have something for everyone. Take a look at some of the recommendations from librarians across the country.


Norse Mythology book cover

Norse Mythology” by Neil Gaiman

“After reading Gaiman’s account of Norse mythology, I doubt that I will ever forget how the gods of Asgard acquired their treasures. Thor’s hammer that never misses its mark, Frey’s incredible ship that shrinks to the size of a pocketable silk scarf, Odin’s powerful spear, all came to be because of Loki’s mischief. Above all, I will not forget the ill-gotten and ill-treated children of Loki who bring about Ragnarok, the end of earth and heaven and the death of the gods. Everything feels very real and very now when told by someone who has obviously drunk of the ‘mead of the poets.’”
-Catherine Stanton, Madison Library District, Rexburg, IL Continue reading “February 2017 Library Reads List: The Top 10 Books Librarians Love”

May The Film Crew Be With You: Docs About Star Wars

Posted on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 by Decimal Diver

elstree-1976-imageThe Star Wars film franchise has been an influential cultural force ever since the first film came out in 1977. Check out these documentaries about various aspects of the franchise and its effect on generations of fans.

Elstree 1976 DVD coverElstree 1976” (2016)

In 1976, during the hottest summer on record, “Star Wars” was shot in suburban North London. Nobody involved had any idea how big the film would become, and many couldn’t even remember the title. Yet, for actors in smaller roles, this job would go on to color their lives, even four decades later. Continue reading “May The Film Crew Be With You: Docs About Star Wars”

Reading Reflections on 2016

Posted on Monday, January 23, 2017 by Reading Addict

This past year was another very productive one for me reading-wise. More carpool lanes, more waiting through music lessons and the insomnia that comes with menopause meant more time to read. I ended up reading 145 books for the year. Whew! I’m tired just thinking about it.

Angle of Repose book coverI mainly read nonfiction, but I did manage to include a bit more fiction this year. “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backman is one that will stay with me. The tender and often hilarious depiction of community in this book had me hooked. Backman has become a new favorite author. I also really loved “Angle of Repose” by Wallace Stegner. It’s an older classic but still enthralling. “Hope was always out ahead of fact, possibility obscured the outlines of reality.” Continue reading “Reading Reflections on 2016”

Gentle Reads for Adults

Posted on Friday, January 20, 2017 by Ida

I like a good nail-biting thriller, one that keeps me sitting bolt upright as I read. Sometimes. Other times, life itself is challenging enough, and I don’t need added stress from my fiction. On those occasions, I prefer a kinder, gentler novel, one in which the main character is never threatened by assassins.

Following are a few gentle reads I’ve enjoyed over the past couple of years. These books contain minimal violence, minimal raunch and no serial killers.

Love in Lower case book coverLove in Lowercase” by Fransec Miralles

This is a story of quiet revelations and subtle, but life-changing events. Samuel is a professor of linguistics who has little human contact outside of his classroom lectures. One day a mischievous cat appears and leads him to places he’s never been. The upstairs neighbor’s apartment, for instance. And the vet. Samuel meets new people, he encounters a long-lost childhood crush, his life expands. He accomplishes the monumental human task of overcoming loneliness. Continue reading “Gentle Reads for Adults”

Embracing Winter

Posted on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 by Larkspur

Photo of snow on branchesWinter can be a trying time for many of us, especially if we aren’t lucky enough to be able to hop on an airplane and head to sunny, southern climes for a respite warm and bright.

If you are “Missouri-bound” for the winter, then you might as well take advantage of the season. It can be a mood-lifter to spend time outdoors, even if the weather doesn’t seem conducive to it. In Norway, where it can be quite cold and snowy during the winter season, they have a saying which goes something like this: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” Continue reading “Embracing Winter”

New DVD List: Life Animated, Citizenfour & More

Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 by Decimal Diver

Life Animated still

Here is a new DVD list highlighting various titles recently added to the library’s collection.

Life Animated DVD coverLife, Animated
Website / Reviews / Trailer
This film played at the True/False Film Fest in 2016, and it tells the remarkable story of how a boy found a pathway to language and a framework for making sense of the world through Disney animated films. By evocatively interweaving classic Disney sequences with vérité scenes from Owen’s life, the film explores how identification and empathy with Disney characters create a context for him to understand his feelings and interpret reality. Continue reading “New DVD List: Life Animated, Citizenfour & More”