Have Sum Pi

Posted on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 by Reading Addict

Math jokeHappy Pi Day!

I remember back in school learning the value of pi out to as many digits as I could manage. I would like to say that I memorized it all the way to 20 digits past the decimal or more, but that might be a tall tale. I can at least still remember it to five digits (3.14159). It might have been hard, but it was also fun.

Have you heard the urban legend about the US legislator who tried to make a law redefining pi so that it equals three? I’ve heard it told that the legislator was from several different states, and the legend is usually on a rather vague time scale. It happened last week? Or it could have been decades ago. That alone is enough to consider the story to be a hoax. But truth is stranger than fiction, as there actually was a case in American history where someone really did try to redefine the value of pi. Continue reading “Have Sum Pi”

The Gentleman Recommends: Brooke Bolander

Posted on Monday, March 12, 2018 by Chris

Once you’ve exhausted all the content on dbrl.org/adults, and you’re looking for a nice single-sitting read, consider “The Only Harmless Great Thing” by Brooke Bolander. In the time it takes your butler to press your evening wear and prepare your evening snacks, you can consume the novella, perhaps with time to spare for contemplation over a succession of treats.

The Only Harmless Great Thing book cover

The novella combines two real tragedies (“The Radium Girls” and Topsy the Elephant) and adds the story of trying to prevent a third (future generations inadvertently entering radioactive land). Regan, like the real Radium Girls, is dying of cancer because her job is to paint watches with a paint that makes them glow and gives her cancer. Her bosses encourage her to use her mouth to moisten the paint brushes in order to save on time and cleaning materials. Unlike the real Radium Girls, she is trying to train Topsy the elephant to take over her job because her bosses appreciate the fact that it will take longer to give cancer to an elephant. When Topsy murders a cruel man, she is sold to a carnival so that she can be executed for the entertainment of an audience. Unlike the real Topsy, this one has a trick up her trunk.

Continue reading “The Gentleman Recommends: Brooke Bolander”

Literary Links: Orphans and Orphan Trains

Posted on Sunday, March 11, 2018 by Ida

The fate of displaced children is the central concern of many books published in the past few years. The practice of adoption, as we think of it today, with background checks and safeguards, has not always been the standard. In 1853, distressed by the number of street children he encountered in New York, Charles Loring Brace founded the Children’s Aid Society. From 1854 to 1929, the program put homeless children on “orphan trains” headed west for placement with families across the country. Though the intention was good, there was little investigation of adoptive households. Some children landed with nurturing parents, but others were used only as free labor for farms or sweatshops.

Orphan Train book coverChristina Baker Kline addresses the plight of these children in her novel “Orphan Train.” The narrative interweaves two timelines and character stories. Molly, a teenager in foster care, is working off community service hours by helping the elderly Vivian get her house and attic in order, sorting through a lifetime of possessions. While they discuss the history of the keepsakes, Vivian tells of her childhood experiences as an Irish immigrant and orphan train rider. Continue reading “Literary Links: Orphans and Orphan Trains”

Story Time and Discussion for Grown-ups

Posted on Friday, March 9, 2018 by Anne

One of my favorite memories from childhood was crawling up on my mom’s lap in our big recliner and listening to her read to us. I can distinctly remember her reading E.B. White’sCharlotte’s Web,” and “I Was So Mad,” which was one of the Litter Critter books by Mercer Mayer. The sound of her reading helped pull my young mind into those stories, bringing the pages to life.

A well-read story can be the height of entertainment. It can help listeners more fully connect with and understand a story. A reader can deliver the humor and the pathos in ways that draws readers into the story on a more emotional level. It also can be interesting to hear how another person interprets a character’s voice and compare it with what you might have heard in your head. Sometimes hearing someone else read a story can totally change your perspective.

It’s not surprising that our story times for babies and toddlers are so well attended. They help children discover a love of books and they provide them with entertainment that stimulates their imagination and cognitive skills. But why should the kids have all the fun? Continue reading “Story Time and Discussion for Grown-ups”

Debut Author Spotlight: February 2018

Posted on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 by Katherine

There are lots of fantastic titles by debut authors that came to the library in February. If you would like a more comprehensive list, please visit our catalog. Enjoy!

Only Killers and Thieves

Only Killers and Thieves” by Paul Howarth

Two brothers, Billy and Tommy McBride, seek revenge for the murder of their parents and younger sister in the Australian outback in the 1880s. Believing their family was murdered by an aboriginal man, the boys set off on a manhunt accompanied by a neighboring rancher and Inspector Noone of the Native Mounted Police.

However, relations are strained between the white settlers and the natives they have brutally oppressed, and the manhunt becomes a massacre. While Billy embraces the violence and sense of vengeance, Tommy is sickened by the cruelty they witness, and his growing conscience jeopardizes the brothers’ relationship.

Continue reading “Debut Author Spotlight: February 2018”

Nonfiction Roundup: March 2018

Posted on Monday, March 5, 2018 by Kirk

Here is a quick look at the most noteworthy nonfiction titles being released this March. Visit our catalog for a more extensive list.


This Messy Magnificent Life book cover

Geneen Roth, the author of a number of popular self-help titles, returns this month with “This Messy Magnificent Life.” Here, she presents a series of insightful essays aimed at helping readers build self-esteem and assert control over all aspects of life. If you have enjoyed her previous books or are just looking for a warm and humorous pick-me-up, this one is for you. Continue reading “Nonfiction Roundup: March 2018”

Previous Docs From True/False 2018 Directors

Posted on Friday, March 2, 2018 by Decimal Diver

True/False header

We’ve compiled a list of previous documentaries available at DBRL from the directors who are presenting films at this year’s True/False Film Fest.

Bart Layton
True/False 2018 film: “American Animals
Past film as director: “The Imposter

Jason Kohn
True/False 2018 film: “Love Means Zero
Past film as director: “Manda BalaContinue reading “Previous Docs From True/False 2018 Directors”

Playing Along: Docs About Gamers

Posted on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 by Decimal Diver

Wizard modeBeing a gamer can challenge your cognitive ability and your dexterity, but it can also be a challenge to your social skills. How can gamers interact constructively with others while still maintaining their competitive edge? Check out these documentaries about various kinds of gamers.

Wizard Mode dvd coverWizard Mode” (2016)

This film is a candid personal perspective on autism through the life of one of the world’s greatest pinball players. The film follows Robert Gagno as he seeks to balance his quest to become a world pinball champion and his growing real world responsibilities, culminating at the largest pinball tournament in the world. Continue reading “Playing Along: Docs About Gamers”

Reader Review: The End Of The Affair

Posted on Monday, February 26, 2018 by patron reviewer

Editor’s note: This review was submitted by a library patron during the 2017 Adult Summer Reading program. We will continue to periodically share some of these reviews throughout the year.

End of the Affair book coverIn the years that follow the ending of an affair between Sarah Miles and Maurice Bendrix, we learn (through the help of a dedicated private detective) what the relationship had meant to both parties and what they had done to protect themselves or the other from the intensity of love that they experienced. While Bendrix wrestles with jealousy and insecurity, Sarah struggles to honor a vow she believes keeps Bendrix safe, but demands that she quit their love entirely.

Graham Greene was a phenomenal writer and “The End of the Affair” provided both plot and prose that I found to be stunning. (Seriously, how is this not required reading?!) Greene explores relationships and morality in a way that forces the reader to abandon the dichotomy of good and bad, and appreciate the nuances and complexity in so many of life’s experiences.

Three words that describe this book: Love, loss, fantastic

You might want to pick this book up if: You want a new author to love. Also, if you’re working on “1001 Books to Read Before You Die.”


Romance Novels by or About People of Color: Read Harder 2018

Posted on Friday, February 23, 2018 by Kat

book pages folded to make a heartThe romance genre sometimes gets a bad rap. Is it because of the book covers with people missing various pieces of clothing? Or maybe it’s the genre’s “predictibility”? (Which, I might point out, is common in many genres. Mystery book? I’ll bet the mystery is solved by the end.) These reasons may be valid, but regardless, I’m here to convince you that dipping your toes into romance is well worth your time. Especially if you want to complete your Read Harder Challenge!

One of the 24 tasks of Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge is to read a romance by or about a person of color. The romance genre has many subgenres, and so there’s sure to be something out there for everyone. All of these books will fulfill task 10 of the challenge. Continue reading “Romance Novels by or About People of Color: Read Harder 2018”