Infographics: Great Books for Folks Who Are Busy

I love to read, and gravitate toward heavier tomes (both in content and Flip Flop Fly Ball book coverlength). I tend to read quickly, so I need a book to be long so that I can marinate sufficiently into its world.  Since I have a had a child, however, those long books have gone unread in favor of articles and blog posts with titles like “The 10 Things Nobody Tells You about Swaddling” or “How to Pick the Best Sun Hat for 15-Month Old.”  Taking care of a baby or toddler means my attention always needs to be divided between him and whatever task I am attempting to complete. I need to concern myself with form over (or, in addition to) content. I usually use DBRL’s Overdrive app to check out short story and essay collections.

But sometimes I need something to read when my phone isn’t charged, and I know I need books that can be read in fragments. Then I remembered a book I had read about my first love: baseball. “Flip Flop Fly Ball: An Infographic Baseball Adventure” by Craig Robinson was fun to read! Infographic books use pictorial representations — maps, charts, drawings and diagrams — to convey information visually. These books can usually be read non-linearly, which is great for my necessarily short attention span. Some other infographic books in DBRL’s collection include:


And now I can no longer concentrate, so this blog post is finished. Bye!