Caring for Houseplants = Caring for You

A close up of a plant with green leaves. Text reads Caring for Houseplants = Caring for You

It’s officially spring as of yesterday! And if you’re like me springtime can be a mix of joy and misery. Joy! 😃 The sun is out longer, the weather is warming up and flowers blooming. Misery. 😭 The flowers are blooming. I’m an indoor cat through and through, so I’ll just sit in a sunbeam and soak up the spring vibes from the comfort of my couch. That doesn’t mean I can’t bring some nature indoors – I’m looking at you, houseplants! Having houseplants is a great way to get a daily dose of nature without all the itchy, watery eyes. Caring for houseplants is also a great form of self-care. Here are just a few benefits (according to WebMD):

  • Stress relief – being around plants can have a calming effect
  • Sharper focus – in classrooms with potted plants students performed better on tests than those without any plants
  • Better mental health – nurturing your plants can also nurture your emotional health

Caring for plants helps create routines and may even help YOU remember to drink water (which reminds me have you had any water today?) Watering your plants can also be a great excuse to put down your phone. It can also be a gentle reminder that there is beauty in imperfection. Sure my plant has a few brown spots and a couple of leaves fell off, but it’s still growing. And sadly it can also remind you of the impermanence of life and that everything has a cycle. Sometimes you have a plant that is beautiful one week and drooping the next. Maybe it needs a new pot because it outgrew the old one or maybe you watered it too much and the roots rotted or sometimes you get an infestation of bugs and you have to start over. Whatever the challenge is just remember – keep going.

My personal favorite indoor plants are pothos (also known as Devil’s Ivy) and snake plants (also known as mother-in-law’s tongue). They are super easy to care for and will pretty much stay alive with very little care.* Before you bring a plant home take some time to research what plants are good choices for pets and children, because some can be hazardous. Below are some pics of the plants I keep in my workspace. *These are NOT good plants if you have pets or small children.

Image of cubicle space covered in plants.

Here are some books you can find at your local library to learn more about the perfect plant for you.

Beginner’s Houseplant Garden: Top 40 Choices for Houseplant Success & Happiness” by Jade Murray
User-friendly and highly accessible, this is a practical and inspiring guide to indoor gardening for complete beginners by award-winning and self-taught plant enthusiast Jade Murray. Here, you will find invaluable tips and advice for choosing, caring for, and propagating the top 40 easiest and most common houseplants.

The Green Dumb Guide to Houseplants: 45 Unfussy Plants That Are Easy to Grow and Hard to Kill” by Holly Theisen-Jones
Profiles of 45 houseplants that are easy to find and even easier to grow.

A Jungle in Your Living Room: A Guide to Creating Your Own Houseplant Collection” by Michael Holland
This book will give you the confidence and knowledge to be a successful houseplant expert for years to come. It’ll give you tips and tricks to help you care for your plants and even teach you how to make more plants from your collection. It won’t be long before there’s a jungle in your living room!

If all else fails you can always check this book on crocheted houseplants and make your own that require no care and will never die.
Crocheted Houseplants: Beautiful Flora to Make for Your Home” by Emma Varnam


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