Q&A With Morgan Eye, Author of “The Eye In Team”

Morgan Eye is a Columbia, MO author who recently came out with her debut book, “The Eye In Team: Cinderella Wore Sneakers.” It’s an autobiography of her life in basketball, from her early years playing in the small town of Montrose, Missouri, to her record breaking career at Mizzou and beyond. The book covers the highs and lows of her journey, as well as the challenges she’s faced both on and off the basketball court. Morgan and her husband both live in Columbia, where she teaches classes through the Columbia Public Schools and coaches girls basketball at Hickman High School. I emailed some interview questions to her, and she was kind enough to take time to write back some answers.

Daniel Boone Regional Library: How did this book project get started? Did the final form differ from how you first envisioned the book?

Morgan Eye: I had the idea that it would be fun to write a book about my life and all that basketball has done for me. I actually began writing about two times before I finally committed to really completing a book. The final “sign” was when my sister shared that a customer of hers asked what I was up to nowadays after finishing my playing career and that I should really write a book because it could impact so many young kids. I knew then that I had to truly commit to finishing writing my book.

I suppose I would say the book came out as I envisioned it — I honestly haven’t sat down and read one of the physical copies because after so many rough drafts I was just ready to share it! The feedback I have gotten has been amazing!

There were three main reasons I wrote the book:

  1. It was very therapeutic for me to sit back and really reflect on all I had been through and enjoy what I had accomplished.
  2. I wanted to let other athletes know that the transition to being done playing a sport you had played all of your life is hard, but you are not alone.
  3. By sharing my wisdom and experiences I hoped that if I could positively impact just one life then the book served its purpose — and I think it has done that.

DBRL: You graduated high school 10 years ago; are there any different obstacles today for student athletes in high school or college that you didn’t have to deal with?

Eye: I think the ever increasing use of technology only adds to stress, self-comparison, and sometimes destruction of confidence in teenagers. I think I got an Instagram account when I was a freshman in college. Kids nowadays are getting social media earlier and earlier. It’s so tough because social media and technology has a way of bringing us together but at the same time it is tearing us apart. I was fortunate I was around people who helped me realize my value would never be wrapped up in how many likes I received on a photo I posted.

DBRL: During your junior and senior years in college you watched a “think right video” to help you mentally prepare before a game started. As a coach now, do you do anything to mentally prepare yourself for a game?

Eye: The toughest thing about coaching is that you can’t go out and make the shots. I try my best to be prepared for any situation we might face before a game. Sometimes it may be visualizing how I might respond to adversity in the game or what play calls I might make depending on what the opponent does. The biggest thing for me is to remain present during the game. Emotions run high. I have been fortunate to work under some pretty amazing coaches and they all knew how to remain in the moment and make the right calls in the clutch.

DBRL: What one piece of advice would you give to a high school athlete from a small town who would want to follow in your footsteps?


One of my favorite voice overs in my “think right video” talks about how you have to work hard. They actually define what working hard means because it is a relative term — everyone’s working hard looks different. In the video working hard is defined as making yourself uncomfortable — could be physically, mentally or emotionally. That is how we all grow. We have to be comfortable being uncomfortable in order to grow. I would rather my players mess up on a ball handling drill because they were stretching themselves out of their comfort zone and going hard, than to do the drill more slowly and to perfection.

DBRL: Do you have any basketball related books you would recommend for players?

Eye: One of my favorite books is “Burn Your Goals” by Joshua Metcalf. I reference this book quite a bit in my book too. This book helped me approach the game differently and really helped me develop mental toughness. Jon Gordon has a ton of books that are great for teams. Jay Bilas’s book “Toughness” is another great one! I am currently re-reading “Inside Out Coaching” by Joe Ehrman.

DBRL: Where can readers get a copy of your book?

Eye: I’m hoping to get to do some in-person events soon! That is always the BEST way to get a signed copy. 😊

I have a website: https://www.moeye30.com

Amazon: bit.ly/MorganEye

Always feel free to contact me via social media: @Mo_EyeScott

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