NaNoWriMo Writing Kits Available November 2

person writing in notebook with NaNoWriMo logo During National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November, writers of all skill levels are challenged to craft a novel in 30 days. Beginning Monday, November 2, stop by any of our four library branches to pick up a free NaNoWriMo kit which includes a journal to jot down your ideas and writing prompts to help inspire your creativity.

Kits are available while supplies last. If you are using curbside pickup, call and ask staff for a kit when you arrive. For ages 12-18.

Be sure to check out the weekly CoMo NaNoWriMo Write-ins. These virtual meet-ups provide great opportunities for teens to connect with other local authors and hone their craft. The library also has a wealth of resources to help as you embark on this exciting challenge:

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